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Khun sat on your chair as he waited for you to come back. You strode across the hallway with heavy footsteps. Your eyes were fueled with anger.

"Khun, you blue freak!" You yelled.

You grabbed a pen from your holder, it was a knife that was disguised as a pen. You threw it towards his head, making it graze his cheek as he dodged the sharp weapon.

"Woah, woah, what are you being hostile for?" Khun asked as he turned towards you.

His eyes landed on your wet blazer. He assumed it was Yura's tears. His eyes travelled to your face with a grin.

"Did you have fun interviewing her?" He teased.

"You mother--" Just as you were about to throw your other pen/knife someone took it from you.

"What did I say about fighting in the office?" You turned around to see the Lieutenant, Mr. Lero Ro.

(a/n: idk, i can't think of anyone else.)

"Sorry, sir." You apologized before pulling your knife off of the wall and pushing Khun away from your chair.

You sat down and Lero Ro threw the knife towards you. You caught it and put it back to its holder.

"If I catch you throwing your knives inside the workplace again, I'll suspend you, alright?" He asked and you nodded.

He left the office and closed the door. You sighed in relief as he was nowhere to be found. You glared at Khun as he was standing in front of your table and his back turned to you. He was staring at the now closed door.

He turned around and met with your glare. If looks could kill he would've been dead a long time ago.

"Well at least now I know you're an expert in throwing knives. Although, you did miss your target." Khun said as he leaned forward, your face and his inches away.

You kicked your table making your office chair move backwards and separating you away from Khun.

"Why would I try to kill you, dumbass? I would go to jail." You said as you glared daggers at him.

"Good point. But I can still sue you for assault. You did graze my cheek." He said as he took your handkerchief and wiped the blood from his cheek.

"It's not even that big of a deal." You said as he tried to return the handkerchief but you refused to take it.

"Not a big deal? I never knew you could be so cruel, Ms. (l/n)." Khun said dramatically.

"I never knew you could be so dramatic." You deadpanned.

"How about we settle this with me taking you out for dinner tomorrow?" Khun said with a smirk.

"Yeah, no. We need to focus on the case, Khun." You stared at him before going back near to your table and looked at Rachel's file.

"If I told them that you were the reason for this wound right here." He pointed at his cheek. "You might get fired."

You looked at Khun with an unamused expression planted on your face. He was blackmailing you.

"Go ahead. It's not like I like this job anyways." You said as you leaned back onto your chair.

"What? Come on... Just say yes." Khun pleaded.

"Why would I?" You asked.

"Endorsi and Yuri are gonna be there, dumbass." Khun bonked your head with the tissue box.

"Well, you could've led with that, you imbecile." You bonked his head back.

"I didn't want it to be job related, airhead." He bonked your head again.

"I won't come with you if it's not job related, dunderhead." You bonked his head again.


"Stop this foolish bickering." You cut him off. "Why don't we just ask them to talk to us?"

"They're always busy anyways, we won't get to see them until next month or so." Khun explained as he sat on the extra chair in front of your table.

"Alright." You said as you placed the file inside your drawer.

You locked the drawer and tidied your desk. You felt uneasy as Khun's eyes lingered on you. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"What?" You asked as you stared back at him.

"Are you going home?" He asked.

"Yeah, It's 4PM. I need to be home by 4:30." You replied.

"Let me go with you." Khun offered.

"No." You said as you took your keys and started leaving.

Khun followed behind you.

"I left my car at the crime scene because I rode your motorbike, at least drop me at the crime scene." Khun said as he walked beside you.

"Fine." You said as you threw the helmet towards him.

You hopped onto your motorcycle and revved it.

"You're not going to wear your helmet again?" Khun asked before he sat behind you.

"Why would I?" You revved the bike once again. "Hold tight."

You drove towards the crime scene, overtaking and going between the cars making Khun once again scared for his dear life. You reached your destination and Khun finally let out the breath he was holding.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." Khun said as he gave your helmet back.

"No thanks." You said as you strapped the helmet onto the seat of your bike.

"That wasn't an offer." Khun said as he stepped closer to you.

"There's your car, buddy." You said as you pointed at his blue Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. "Now go away."

Khun stepped back and watched you drive away from him.

"I think I might've figured out who the killer is.." He murmured underneath his breath.



Welp, hope you liked this chapter, lots of love ♥

-Akumu~Chan <3

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