rachel's dead?!

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"Detective (l/n). Her name is Rachel. She went missing a month ago and was found this morning at 7:54 AM. Her cause of death is most likely blood loss from the letter H carved into her body. We'll find out more once she's brought in for the autopsy but it looks like her body is fresh, we can only assume that she was killed after she went missing a week ago." Elaine said as she took a dew more pictures of the dead body.

Elaine is the forensic investigator that was always paired with you. She was from the Lo Po Bia family. She hid by the name Kaiser for a few years before being saved by a man with a very strange name and your friend.

"What about her family?" You asked.

"She doesn't have any. She only had one friend that was worried about her. And that friend was the one who reported Rachel as missing." She replied.

"Witnesses?" you asked.

"None. The one who reported her body is that guy right there. He was going to go to the bottom of the bridge when he saw this." Elaine replied as she picked up what seems to be the murder weapon.

"They left a knife?" You asked.

"A kitchen knife. This seems to be the weapon used to carve that 'H' on her body." Elaine replied as she put the bloody knife into the ziplock bag. "No signs of struggle from the victim. By the looks of it, she probably had no chance of surviving even if she struggled."

"I'll go and question the man. See you." you said as you slightly waved at the girl.

You approached the man as he looked at the scene with a hint of sadness and pity.

"Oh, how cruel. Such a young girl. So much to live for. Is this what humanity has become?" The man wondered out loud.

"Excuse me, sir. Were you the one who found the body?" you asked and the man nodded.

"Detective (l/n) (y/n). If you wouldn't mind, can I ask you some questions?" you spoke as showed your badge.

"Not at all, detective. I'll be happy to help." He spoke as you hid your badge. "My name's Hansung Yu."

The man looked oddly feminine which made you wonder whether or not he was a she.

"I am a male, detective (L/n)." Hansung chuckled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Yu. Can you tell me how you found the body?" You asked as you pulled out your notepad.

As the blond guy continued telling the story while sipping on a cup of coffee time to time, you couldn't help but tap your feet. You were getting impatient. Usually your consultant is here hours before you arrive but today, he was nowhere to be found. Hansung finished his story but no clues can be found.

A tap on your shoulder made you stop your train of thought. You looked towards the man's blue piercing eyes.

"You're late." You spoke.

"Ah... Forgive me. I had some family business to attend to." The blue headed man lied. "Who died?"

"Your enemy, Rachel. You do know this can put you on the list of suspects, right?" You said.

"I am very much aware of that." Khun said as he put on the gloves that Elaine gave him. "It was about time she died."

"Khun!" You slapped him on his shoulder.

"Ow! What?" He asked.

"Let's just focus on the case." You said as you crouched beside the decaying body.

"She looks even uglier when dead." Khun said as he paired his words with a disgusted look.

"Focus!" You bonked his head with the folder on your hand.

"Right, right."

"Who else hates her except for you?" You asked.

"Multiple people. Bam, since Rachel almost killed me, remember?" Khun pointed out.

"Yeah, and she was freed years later for good behavior." You commented.

"Then we have Endorsi, Yuri, Shibisu, we can be here all day with just me mentioning everyone that hates her." Khun enumerated.

"Ugh... This is going to be a long investigation." You sighed.

"Well, we don't have to do this." Khun said.

"What?" You asked as your eyes met with his.

"We can just mark the case as unsolved and let the killer be free for the meantime. She did deserve it." Khun whispered.

You stood up with a sigh.

"We can't do that." You deadpanned.

"How much money do you want?" Khun asked.

"Khun... Are you seriously bribing me right now?" You asked.

"Half a million dollars?" He asked.

You just looked at him. Your eyes as dead as the body infront of you and Khun. Khun was bribing you to let go of the culprit in front of the victim. The nerve of this guy.

"Ten million?" He continued.


"Fifty million dollars. Last call." Khun said.

You stared at him as his smirk stayed on his lips. Is this guy serious? We both could get in trouble for this.

You bit your lip.

Fifty million is quite a large sum of money...

What are you thinking (y/n)?! Think straight!! You can't possibly give in to the bribe!!

I mean... Fifty million dollars... I can buy my dream house with that..


"No, Khun. Don't bribe me." You said as you took off your gloves and threw it in the nearby trash can. "Let's go back to HQ."

You threw one helmet towards Khun. You hopped onto your motorcycle and revved it. You smirked before driving away as Khun held on the motorcycle for his dear life.

new data obtained...

[Forensic Investigator]

Name: Lo Po Bia Elaine
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Status: Alive

____Very good at her job. One of the best forensic investigators. One of the few friends of (L/n).

Le gasp! A detective AU? Didn't see that coming did you? Welp, Rachel's dead, I wonder who killed her. 😊😀😁😃😄😆😉😮😌😏😜😼

Will you give in to Khun's bribe or will you stay true to your oath to never be corrupt?

Hope you liked this chapter, Lots of love ♥

-Akumu~Chan <3

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