"perfect family"

192 11 7

You reached your house and opened the door. You gently closed it and walked towards the room where your mother usually stays.

"Mom..?" You called as you entered the room.

A woman with long (h/c) hair tied in a messy bun was sitting in front of the window. Her (e/c) eyes were glued on the trees outside.

You lightly knocked on the door with a smile. "Mom?"

"(Y/n), sweetie, is that you?" Her soft voice echoed around the room.

"Yeah, where's dad?" You asked.

"He left a few minutes ago." Your mother replied.

"But isn't his shift around 5 PM?" You asked as you sat beside your mother.

"Yeah, but an emergency happened and he needed to leave." Your mother explained as you laid your head on her shoulder, embracing her.

"He could've called me at least." You said as your mother wrapped her arms around your shoulders and stroked your hair.

"Yeah, he could've if your brother hadn't borrowed his phone." She replied.

"Again?" You asked as you let go of your mother. "Didn't I give him enough money to buy his own?"

"Yeah, but you know your brother. He must've spent it on his girlfriend." Your mother said.

"He still hasn't broken up with her?! Didn't she cheat on him about five times now?!" You asked.

"Three times, sweetie." She corrected. "Ah, but you know as they say, love is blind. Even blinder than me."

You and your mother let out a chuckle.

"Dear, do you mind leading me to the living room?" Your mother asked.

"Of course," You stood up and helped her.

You both sat down on the couch and you let yourself relax.

"How was work?" She asked.

"The usual... They found the body of Rachel." You said as you closed your eyes.

"Did they find out who did it?" Your mother asked.

"Not yet, but they will, eventually. One can only go so far." You said before sighing.

"How about that boy you keep talking about, your partner?" Your mother asked.

"He didn't care, as usual. He's just looking for the thrill of looking for a murderer. Nothing new." You replied.

"What I meant was, how are you and him? Didn't you have a crush on him?" Your mother asked.

"Ah... That..." Your face flushed.

You had a crush on him when you first met him but now that you've got your feelings handled, you never let it get in the way of your work.

"So..?" She asked.

"He asked me to go to a party tonight. But it's for business related so there's nothing between us..." You said before laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, sweetie. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get him in no time. You are my daughter after all." Your mother assured you.

A smile slowly formed on your face.

"You're right, mother."

"I'm back." You heard the door creak as he entered the room.

"Ah, Seth, sweetie, you're back." You heard your mother spoke.

"Seth, didn't I tell you to buy your own phone?" You asked him.

"About that... Luna wanted to eat at a fancy diner so.. " Seth explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You should leave that unfaithful girl. Open your eyes, Seth." You said as you stood up.

"But I've already did so much for her, I can't give up on her..." Seth stated as his lips pouted.

"Stop that, it's not cute." You said as you hit the back of his head.

"Ow! (N/n)! Don't hit me!" He whined.

"Grow up." You said.

"I'm in the basement if you need me." He said before he tried to leave.

You caught his wrist and glared at him.

"Take care of mom. I'll be in my room." You said as you walked towards the stairs.

"Why do I have to take care of her?!" He asked.

"She's your mother, you blockhead!" You replied before walking towards your room, your mother's laughter heard from downstairs.

You let yourself fall on your bed as you stared at the ceiling.

'How about we settle this with me taking you out for dinner tomorrow?' His voice echoed in your head. 'I didn't want it to be job related, dumbass'

You covered your face as heat rushed to your cheeks. Your heart was beating rapidly and you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

You took a deep breath and composed yourself. Your lips formed a thin line before it curved into a smile.

"Khun, what are you doing to me?" You asked as you clutched your chest.

new data obtained...


Name: (L/n) (M/n)
Age: 47
Sex: Female
Status: Alive

____She got blind after a car accident. Has three children but one died after the said car accident.

762 words. Very very short. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, lots of love~♥

-Akumu~Chan <3

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