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Tagged by lycbernice

Thanks for tagging little old meh ♥

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Thanks for tagging little old meh ♥

Best part of 2020 for you

Hm... Probably when I joined the SIMPS 4 TOG BOIS or using discord in general. Cuz I rlly had no motivation to wake up in the morning or do anything but then I met those wonderful people and a few new ones too. They gave me a reason :)

Worst part of 2020 for you

Everything. The whole year. It has been stressful eversince this pandemic came. My mental health and grades dropped. My friend opened up to me on how she was tired of living (she's ok now :D ). I haven't seen the sun in almost a year (jk, I actually saw the sun on new year's day and christmas eve. I thought the sun was just a theory (jk))

Will 2021 be worse than 2020?

Well, I'm not rlly an optimistic person... But yes, I think it will be cuz think about it, 2020 then 2020 won... Yeah, been watching too many tiktoks...

3 words to describe the person who tagged you.

Hm... Kind, fun and beautiful (tho i haven't seen her face, I'm sure she's pretty :) )

Tag 5 people you get along with on wattpad and 3 worded sentence to describe them

lycbernice: Kind, fun and beautiful

Fois_D_Ciel: Caring, kind and awesome

Sexy_Hashbrown: Beatiful, nice and cute ♥

Lisciscool: Kind, intelligent and fun

H00die_Yuen1: Nice, cool and fun

I think i overused the word 'nice' and 'kind'

If you were to be stuck on this island with one other person on wattpad, who would it be and why?
Obviously with Sexy_Hashbrown cuz she's nice and pretty and cute and awesome and lovely and of course, she's my wife and we plan on creating a mafia family together ♥

If you had to move to one country, what would it be?

I want to go to Japan cuz like... The cafes, scenery, and all of those stuff!

I want to go to Canada too cuz my friend's gonna migrate there and I want to stick with them forever.

Tag all the people you follow:


Uh.. Should I rlly tag the official holy water? U know what? I will tag them lmao

Sorry if I bothered you, hope u all had a great day, lots of love ♥

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