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    You and Khun danced in the rain (what weirdos)

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KHUN GLANCED AT YOU WITH a worried look as you let out a cough. Khun was currently driving you back to your house when you said you didn't feel good. He was gonna lend you his jacket but then realized it would be useless since it had gotten wet from the rain too.

The rain had stopped pouring a few minutes ago which was good for you since you didn't want to get sick although you still wanted to play in the rain. The car went to a halt as it reached your house.

You hopped off the car and walked towards the door. You twisted the knob and was greeted by the redhead female. She was in the kitchen. Her hand was shaking as she stirred the soup she was making.

"Welcome home, honey." Your mother spoke.

You walked towards her and gave her a warm embrace in which she gladly returned. She let go and looked at you worriedly. Well, she didn't really look at you since she couldn't see but her face morphed into a worried expression as she let go of the embrace.

"Are you alright? You seem hot." Her mother's worries were depicted through her tone.

You let out a soft chuckle before replying. "I'm your daughter, mom. Of course, I'm hot."

Your mother deadpanned at your joke before smiling. "Honey, you know what I meant."

"I'm fine, mom. Just a small fever. It'll be gone in a few hours." You said with a smile.

You glanced towards Hwaryun who immediately turned their gaze away from you. You arched an eyebrow at their unusual action.

"Here, drink this," Khun said as he walked towards you and handed you medicine and a glass of water.

You smiled at him and thanked him before swallowing the pill and drinking the water. You felt tired all of a sudden as the effects of the medicine worked. You looked at your mom who was now sitting on the couch. A smile plastered on her lips as she listened to the radio.

"We'll get going now," Khun spoke up.

You looked towards Khun and gave him a nod of approval and a small sigh. Hwaryun went past you as she walked towards Khun. You grabbed her wrist which made her flinch and fidget nervously. 


"Ah, you forgot this." You handed her a pouch she left on the kitchen counter.

"Right..." She took the pouch from yours and gave you a small smile. A fake smile.

She definitely knows something.

You shrugged it off as Khun bid his goodbyes. They left your house and you locked the door. You looked at the soup that Hwaryun brew. There was a small note written beside the soup.

"Eat well and take care -Hwaryun."

You raised your eyebrow in confusion. Did she know that I had gotten sick beforehand? You shrugged it off once again as you took a bowl and gave some to your mother.


You stared at the ceiling as you let your mind wander off. Your eyes landed on the window. Outside was already filled with bright stars and a foggy sky. The moon hid behind one of the buildings. You stood up and opened the window, wanting to admire the stars. The soft breeze kissed your skin making you shiver from the cold.

You suddenly remembered the calling card Faker gave you. Khun took it and never gave it to you. You sighed as you slowly closed the window and went downstairs. You felt your phone vibrate. You looked at the notification saying that your father was on the brink of dying. You grabbed your coat and your helmet.

"Honey, why are you in such a hurry?" Your mother's voice echoed through the house.

Your mother had memorized every footstep she heard. 

"Mom, I'll come back in a few minutes, alright?" You said before planting a kiss on your mother's forehead.

You took your keys and hastily went outside to your motorcycle. You heard the front door lock as you revved your motorcycle. You drove towards the hospital, heart-pounding as you get nearer. You halted in front of the hospital and parked your motorcycle. Your eyes frantically looking for your brother.

"(y/n)." You heard Seth's voice.

"What happened? Is dad alright?" You asked.

He stared at the glass and you followed his gaze. The doctors were trying to revive your father. You slowly walked forward and touched the cold glass. You looked towards your brother whose hands were clenched in a tight fist. 

"They're not even trying." His voice was filled with anger.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"They didn't even pull out the defibrillator. They can still save him but instead, they're using CPR on him? What kind of doctors are they?" Your brother is currently studying medicine which is why he knows these things. "They decided not to resuscitate the patient."

You looked back at the room where your father was held in. You clenched your jaw and glared at the doctors from the other side, looking at their faces. Your glare softened as you saw a familiar face inside the room. He was holding the defibrillator. His brown hair was tied into a man bun as his golden eyes showcased the feelings of sadness and helplessness. You didn't know he was a doctor here. 

You gently shook your head as you focused on your dying father. He wasn't really the best father but he tried to be one. When he got out of prison he tried spoiling you with the allowance you had given to them which made you smile. He planned movie nights for the family and tried cooking for the three of you even though his cooking wasn't the best. You weren't that close with your father but you were starting to like him. Starting to see him as a father figure. He was trying his best to redeem himself, o take back the lost years he spent without the four of you.

You felt a lot sadder when you realized he hasn't met your eldest brother ever since he got out of jail. Neither of them had seen him grow up after he had died in that accident when he was 17 and you were only 16 when you became the breadwinner of the family. You stayed at home that time with your so-called 'friends' over and Seth was studying in a library. You lost the chance of having the perfect family you could ever have just because of the act of selfishness the doctors portrayed today.

You clenched your fist as you memorized their faces. 

I hope to see you in hell, you bastards.

Oop-  bye-bye father. it was nice meeting u. hope you liked this chapter, things will become interesting from now on as the story progresses. 

Lots of love!

-Akumu~Chan <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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