9 | Let's take care of idiots

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Manga: Lesson 29-31

Anime: Episode 20

SHIZUKU looked up at the bright, starry sky.

Only her and Shinpachi occupied the Shimura household at the moment, since Otae was out on her job as a hostess and because Kusahara had been invited to the Shinsengumi headquarters for a drink. The teal haired male didn't want to go at first since he really couldn't hold his alcohol that well, but Shizuku insisted that he should go, telling him that he needed some time to bond with other officers in the Shinsengumi because he was the only one among them that wasn't living in the barracks – save for those who has their own families to go home to. After a few more minutes of talking, Kusahara just gave in and went to stay at the headquarters for two nights while Shinpachi and Shizuku manned the Shimura household when Otae wasn't around.

"Shizuku-chan, the bath is ready!" The unmistakable sound of Shinpachi's voice suddenly came from inside the main house.

"Coming!" Shizuku called back as she stood up from her spot on the porch at the back of the dojo.

"It's a nice night, I wonder how Nori-san and the others are doing?" she said to herself before she faced forwards and began walking towards the main house of the compound.

"It was a very hot night with many mosquitoes, like tonight. I was setting off fireworks with my friends and noticed it had gotten dark."

Kusahara sat by Kondou and Yamazaki as they listened to the story that one of their fellow officers were telling. He has been sitting in the same position for so long that his legs were starting to get numb.

"Is this how you always do at your drinking nights, Kondou-san?" The teal haired male asked Kondou in a whisper.

"Yeah, but sometimes, we play games, too." the Chief nodded while keeping his attention turned towards the storyteller. Kusahara sighed, before he swatted a mosquito that went his way and leaned back, listening to the story, as well.

"So, I thought my mom would get upset and kick me if I didn't get home right away. I decided to go home." The story teller said, keeping his face over a flashlight to get a scary effect. "We cleaned up the exploded fireworks and glanced at the Temple School. Then, although it was midnight, a woman in a red kimono was looking right at me from the window of the Temple School. I was shocked, but I wanted to find out more."

Kusahara swatted another mosquito from beside his ear. "Why are there so many mosquitoes?" he asked himself inside his head, before he turned to continue listening.

"I gingerly asked her what she was doing up this late." The storyteller said with a smirk on his face. "And she.... smiled at me and said...."

"We've run out of mayonnaise!"

The Shinsengumi officers suddenly shrieked at the voice that came from behind them. The lights suddenly went on and everyone sighed when they saw who interrupted their storytelling. Kusahara, knowing that it was Hijikata that was behind them didn't get shocked like the others. He just looked back with a bored look on his face.

"Oh, so that's where you were, Hijikata-san?" he asked the older male as he fixed his position on the floor. "I was looking for you an hour ago."

"Fukuchou! What the heck?! You ruined the ending!" One of the officers at the back said with a sneer at the tall male by the door.

"I don't care about that! The mayonnaise ran out! I told you to buy more." Hijikata glared at everyone in the room. "Yakisoba's no good without it!"

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