24 | Never anger the youngest in the family; you'll die

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Manga: Lesson 57-63

Anime: Episode 40-42

"TESTING, testing. This is a message for the alien."

Kusahara pinched the bridge of his nose, listening to Okita repeatedly call the alien out with the megaphone in his hand. They were currently outside of the Edo Bank and Trust, waiting for the alien to come out from the inside. At first, Kusahara wanted to get there as soon as possible since he felt something in his gut that suggested that Shizuku was in trouble – that happened more often than not and he doesn't like it one bit – but as soon as he and the Shinsengumi arrived in the bank, he felt the feeling go away, so he's not sure what to feel at that current moment.

He could also feel Shizuku inside the building, but he's not sure what she's doing in there.

"You are completely surrounded. Give up this pointless resistance and come out peacefully, alien." Okita continued, looking as bored as ever as he stood beside Kusahara. "Your mother back in your hometown is crying! She didn't raise you to be this kind of alien!"

Kusahara sighed as he covered his face with his hand.

"'This kind of alien'?" He asked lowly. "For god's sakes, I'm tired."

"What kind of alien is that?" Yamazaki asked from behind the teal haired male. Kusahara didn't need to look behind him to know that the expression on the older male's face was very similar to the expression that he was making.

Blatantly ignoring both males' statements, Okita continued. "It doesn't matter if you're an alien or human, anyone who makes his mother cry is a loser. Right, Okaa-san?" he said out loud as he looked to the side.

"Say something." He said to the direction of the patrol cars.

"The mother is here?!" Yamazaki asked, his voice obviously filled with shock.

Kusahara just sighed.

"Who's the idiot that fell for Okita-kun's tricks?"

Right on that moment, one of the patrol cars' door opened and someone came out.

Also at that moment, Kusahara just gave up and completely pretended that he didn't see anything.

Kondou, who was wearing the monster costume that Okita – obviously – got for him, acted like a distressed, alien mother.

"Mommy doesn't know you anymore..." he acted, his voice almost sounding hoarse and like he was going to cry. "Ever since that day, three years ago, mommy wants to say... she no longer has a son!"

Another patrol car came speeding towards the Shinsengumi and slammed against Kondou, sending him spinning in the air before he crashed down behind the speeding patrol car.

"You are dead meat, Alien scum!" Hijikata yelled as he and Harada stepped out of the car.

"Totally dead!" Harada yelled as loudly as the Vice-Chief.

"Author-san, please kill me already."

Kusahara gave a low sigh before looking over his shoulder to greet the two newcomers.

"Hey, Hijikata-san, Harada-san." he acknowledged, blatantly ignoring the fuss – the officers were trying to revive Kondou – that was happening a few meters away from them. He turned back his head and kept his eyes glued on the front doors of the bank in front of him, noticing that there was a shadow walking up towards them from the inside.

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