36 | Please explain in thirty words or less why a Queen is what she is

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Manga: Lesson 77-80

Anime: Episode 51-52

"PLEASE forgive me."

Kusahara and the others walked through the large hallways of the enormous company building as they listened to the tale of the woman that they saved.

After Kusahara had a short one to one fight against Nizou the butcher with his teal hilted katana, he wordlessly helped the others climb up the roof and tricked the enemy into thinking that they had run off to their deaths after slipping and falling. However, they safely landed on the extended roof of the building. There, they listened to the story that woman had to say to explain what was happening. It was also then that they were informed that Hashida's son – and the father of the child that is with Gintoki and Shizuku – also had teal hair and dead fish eyes. That explains the baby's appearance.

Kusahara had his own theories about the baby and admittedly, he is about seventy percent correct with his theory.

"I feel sorry about what I did." The woman continued as they walked. "I got you guys involved in this for my own selfish reasons."

"Ofusa-chan, you're a young woman whose had a tough life, huh?" Hasegawa asked, probably in attempt to sympathize with the woman.

"But don't worry." Kusahara added without looking back as he continued to walk. "You'll get through it, eventually."

"Really, thank you." Ofusa, the woman, said to the tall male. "I really didn't want to drag you into this."

"It's nothing." Kusahara smiled as he looked over his shoulder to meet the woman's eyes. "I'm a police officer, so this is my everyday job. Don't worry about it. If I had kept quiet, I'd be butchered, myself and I tell, you the girl who will strangle me to death will actually do it."

"Will Shizuku-chan do that, though?" Hasegawa asked with a tilt of his head. "She doesn't seem like that type of girl. She seems sweet and nice."

"Trust me." Kusahara replied with a shuddering sigh as he looked forwards, already feeling the phantom tip of a blade at the back of his head. "She will definitely do it." He said as he gave another sigh.

"But, Kusahara-san, I've been meaning to ask, where did you get your katana from?" Shinpachi asked as he walked behind the tall man leading the group. "I thought you left it with your uniform back at Otose-san's bar?"

"I never leave my katana behind." The teal haired male replied without looking back. "But I do suppose it's right for you to question its appearance because we really haven't explained it, right?"

"Right." Shinpachi replied. "What exactly is that blade of yours?"

"It's a bit complicated." Kusahara hummed for a while, thinking of ways to explain. He has only explained the matter when Shizuku is there and he always had a hard time explaining it accurately because as he said, it's a bit complicated.

After thinking about what to say for a while, he just settled for the explanation that he told to Shizuku when he first met her.

"To put it simply, this is me; it's literally my soul."

He said as he gestured to the blade strapped on his waist.

"I can materialize and dematerialize it at will, see?"

With one wave of a hand over the hilt of his katana, the whole thing – including the dark blue scabbard – disappeared with a small teal flame. Another wave of a hand over the same area and another flash of teal flames a second later, Kusahara was already holding the katana by the scabbard.

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