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Legal Name: Ukaza Yamikumo Midoriya
Original Name: Izuku Yagi
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Alias: Uka-san, Yami, Yami-kun, Yami-san, Uka-kun, Ukaza, Midoriya, Dreadnought (Secret)

Status: Alive

Academical Status: Finished

Degrees: Psychology, Philosophy, Mechanics, Electronics, Robotics, Engineering, Music, Quirk Analogy, Alchemy, Biology, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Physics

Occupation: Vigilante (Dreadnought), Owner of Midori Enterprise

Likes: Katsudon, Making support gear, Friends, Heroes, Music, Strategy, Games, Studying Quirks, True Heroes, Taking care of his family, His kid, Singing

Dislikes: Yagi/Todoroki/Bakugo Family, Bullies, Villains, Liars, Traitors, Gossipers, Rumors, Discrimination, Fake Heroes, Rapists, Pedophiles, 

Tsukokute Utsukushi - Fiance/Wife (Quirk Marrige)
Eri Midoriya - Adopted Daughter

Touya "Dabi" Todoroki = Close Friend/Memer/Shipper

Quirk #1:Darkend
= Quirk Class: Emitter
= Quirk Range: Infinite


Darkend allows the user to make any item, thing, being, or weapon out of darkness and appear out of nowhere, such things include: Chains, Swords, Guns, Spikes, Beams, Shockwaves, Whips, and the list goes on (This also includes elements such as fire and ice). Darkend allows to teleport to anywhere the user wants as long that place has a shadow. Darkend also amplifies the user's speed, strength, senses, reflexes, instinct, intelligence, stamina, endurance, and agility by alot (as in like a metric FUCK ton alot, he can crush the sun with his bare hands without protection and instantly kill All Might in his prime with a single blink. It can even beat both AFO and OFA, both of them at 1000000% combined). Quirk has no limit and cannot be negated, "erased", copied, stolen, taken, and/or deleted in anyway. (except by Ushina who is able to erase the quirk entirely)
Drawback: The user is emotionless (But can still care, he/she just hides it)

Quirk #2: Dark Arts
= Quirk Class: Emitter
= Quirk Range: Infinite


Dark Arts allows the user to manipulate and create Bones, Blood, Demons, and Ghouls (Yes it's just ghoul magic, demonic magic, blood magic, and bone magic, just deal with it). It also allows the user to summon demons, skeletons, dragons (using both bone and blood manipulation) and the lists goes on. Can also revive someone who has died, but the body must contain atlest 1% of their blood. Quirk has no limit and cannot be negated, "erased", copied, stolen, taken, and/or deleted in anyway. (except by Ushina who is able to erase the quirk entirely)
Drawback: None

Quirk #3: Reaper
= Quirk Class: Emiter
= Quirk Range: Infinite


Can manipulate to who dies or lives. Can also decides where/when/how the person dies, can also put an unlimited amount of people in a "trance" where the affected are trapped in their own mindscapes with their greatest fears being used against them like puppets. Reaper also grants the user the ability of telepathy, mind reading and mind control, and the ability to summon their own personal demon. (Izuku's demon is stronger than both AFO and OFA combined at 100% combined) Quirk has no limit and cannot be negated, "erased", copied, stolen, taken, and/or deleted in anyway. (except by Ushina who is able to erase the quirk entirely)
Drawback: None

Quirk #4: Neko

= Quirk Class: Mutant
= Quirk Range: None

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