Familiar | Reunion

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Dreadnought: Fine......... Have it your way....... My name is.....

The suspense is killing everyone, it's like everyone is waiting for the name of who's going to win $1M. Dreadnought let out a large sigh because he might think this is a bad idea, but he has to do it either way.

Dreadnought: My name Ukaza Yamikumo Midoriya.....

Everyone was shocked that the #1 owner and CEO of Midori Enterprises, but Nezu knew he isn't done talking, and Dreadnought continued.

Dreadnought: Or formerly........ Izuku Yagi......

The Pro Heroes were not only shocked that they found Izuku Yagi, but they were still shocked that he was a Vigilante. The Yagi family were not that believing, and were angry at him for imposing a dead person.

Izumi: You're not him!! We saw you die on the sidewalk!!

Dreadnought: Or did you? Let me guess, a tall guy with white hair told me i died?

Inko: H-How did you know?!

Dreadnought: He's the friend i mentioned, also i asked him a favor to fake my death.

Toshi: So does that means.....

Dreadnought: If your asking if i used a dead body, no i didn't, it was a illusion. The body wasn't real.

The Yagi family were tearing up, same goes for the Bakugo and Todoroki twins. Inko rushed to "her baby boy" even though he's grown up, but he just dodged her.

Toshi: Izuku! How could you do that to your own mother?!

Izuku: She ain't my mother, nor your my father.

Toshi: What do you mean!?! I'm your father?!

Izuku: Really? When's my birthday?

Toshi/Inko: *Inko got up and heard the question* July 16

Izuku: Well you're wrong, it's 15, not 16. You're not my family.

Izuku could hear small crying and he saw Izumi crying, he knew why she was crying, and just let out a sigh.

Izumi: *crying* O-Oniichan I-I'm S-Sorry *sniff* P-Please F-Forgive *sniff* M-Me.

Izuku pressed a button on the back of his neck and it retraced to reveal his handsome face, which in progress made the girls blush. Then Izuku put his hand on Izumi's head and rubbed it.

[Izumi POV]

I was crying because i was sorry for bullying Izuku, i was balling my eyes, until i felt a metal thing on my head. I looked up and saw Izuku smiling, and i thought "Has he forgiven me?".

Izuku: I understand why you did it, you at least, can be forgiven. 

Izumi: T-Thank you Oni- *CLANG* OW! What was that for?!

Izuku: *mad* But never do that to me again, okay! I almost became a villain, you're lucky i became a vigilante to save people!

Izumi: Okay, i'm sorry, please forgive me!

Izuku: *sighs* Fine, you're forgiven. But *points to All Might and Green Tornado* You two are not.

AM: B-But why? Were your parents.

Izuku: Do parents neglect their child and play favorites? 

AM/Inko: *silent*

Izuku: Good, now if you excuse me, i need to make a call.

Izuku grabs his phone and dials a number, i don't know who he's dialing but i can hear a phone a voice mumbling, i can hear him say a name and it understood it as "Ushina". He then ended the call.

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