Kireina Vs All Might | The Battle of Parents 2 | The Fight PT.4

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Kireina was playing with Coro until she got a notification from her comms, and checked it to see that Inko died, both of them smiled as in her own words: "That slutty bitch finally died, now all left is that large sack of meat that Coro can eat." which made Coro smile more. She stood up and readied her weapons, T.A.C. and Kaphret as she walked into the plains, but then a large explosion was made near her and she looked at it and she was All Might in a crater without his usual smile, and Kireina gave a smug smile as she knew what to do before the fight even started, and she knew, she wanted it painful.

[Present Time] [3rd POV]

Kireina stared at All Might with a grin, as he was standing in the crater without his signature smile. She put down Coro who was standing there with his beady eyes looking at the hulking figure, who he wanted to eat up. All Might was releasing steam due to his limit, and Kireina took note of this, but it would be better if Coro ate him at his buff form.

AM: You'll pay for what you've done!

Kireina: What i've done? You dragged yourself into this, and three other people also, your the reason they've died. I guess my son was right, you are all brawn for brains.


AM tried to rush at her, but in a flash, she unsheathed her sword and blocked the punch without any effort. A shockwave was released but Kireina was unaffected, then suddenly, a massive white fist clashed into AM's face and sending him back far. The white fist belonged to Coro, but in his active form.

AM got up and rushed again, but then it was blocked by Coro parrying his punch with his own, then out of nowhere, Kireina appeared from behind Coro and used her T

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AM got up and rushed again, but then it was blocked by Coro parrying his punch with his own, then out of nowhere, Kireina appeared from behind Coro and used her T.A.C. Submachine Guns and fired at AM. Her bullets made contact with his skin and he had to back up because of the volley of bullets hoarding his way. He was injured but the kicker was that not only bullets were his weakness, but the bullets were filled with a serum that can weaken a quirk in seconds, but can be restored after a while. AM rushed towards them but Kireina ordered Coro to charge at him with out any mercy at all. 

Once they got closed, they're fists connected and both of them launched a barrage of punches at each other at quick speeds, but due to All Might's deteriorating strength, and Coro's overwhelming body, little by little, Coro was landing punch after...

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Once they got closed, they're fists connected and both of them launched a barrage of punches at each other at quick speeds, but due to All Might's deteriorating strength, and Coro's overwhelming body, little by little, Coro was landing punch after punch on All Might's body, which made him cough blood out every time. Coro landed one more punch but All Might managed to dodge but then was shot by a lot of bullets courtesy of Kireina's guns. The monster and the queen of Destruction were a tag team duo and quickly defeating All Might, if All Might wasn't fighting Coro, he was being pelted by bullets from Kireina, if he wasn't fighting Kireina, he would get beaten up by Coro. It was an unescapable fight that he had no way of getting out alive, but he had one more thing in his mind that might work, but isn't going to. He rushed at Coro who was ready to land a punch, but All Might managed to dodge it and headed straight for Kireina, but the problem was that Kireina had grabbed her sword already and with a flash of lightning, she cut up his hand into bits and turned back and dashed again with lightning and slit his eyes with blazing speed.

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