Next Day | Interaction

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(Before the story starts, i changed the look of the bathroom in Ukaza's house, and here is the picture:

(Before the story starts, i changed the look of the bathroom in Ukaza's house, and here is the picture:

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Okay let's head into the story!)

[The next day]

It was the next day and the sun was shining, we then see our trio in bed, sleeping, until Ukaza woke up. He woke up refreshed, he still remembered what happened yesterday and once he remembered that memory, he smiled. When he tried to get up, he felt heavy.

Ukaza: 'Weird, i wasn't this heavy'

He then pulled the sheets to see Izumi and Tsuko naked, revealing their sexy and curvy features. Izumi was hugging his arm, while Tsuko was sleeping on his rock-hard chest. He smiled at them, but then he could hear Izumi mumble slightly.

Izumi: *sleep talking* Mmmmmm Mochi......

Ukaza: 'She thinks im mochi'

Izumi: *still sleeping and nibbles on his arm*

Ukaza: Hm... *pokes her cheeks*

Izumi: *wakes up* mmmmm Onii-chan?

Ukaza: Goodmorning.

Izumi: Morning honey *smiles*

Tsuko: *wakes up* Morning Uka-san, morning Izu-chan.

Izumi: Morning Tsuko-chan.

Ukaza: Morning Hone.

Tsuko: So we really did it?

Ukaza: Yeah we did.

Izumi: I hope we didn't go too overboard.

Ukaza: But if i remember, you like it like that~

Izumi: *blushing* S-Shut up.

Tsuko: Well, in my opinion, it was great for my first time.

Ukaza: I agree.

Izumi: Wait Wait WAIT!! That was your first time?!

Ukaza: Well yes.

Tsuko: You thought we did it already?

Izumi: W-Well, yeah, because your married?

Tsuko: We didn't even if your married, but aren't you glad that your first time was also Zuzu's first time?

Izumi: Well, yeah.

Ukaza: Welp, i'm going to take a shower, you girls coming?

Izumi: I'll come later

Tsuko: I'll also go later

Ukaza: Welp, see ya in a few.

[Time Skip]

Ukaza was washing his hair in the showers and rinsing himself with the water until he heard the door open, and then he saw Tsuko and Izumi enter with their towels in hands. They place said towels on the counter and enter the showers. 

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