Ushina Vs Inko | The Battle of Parents 1 | The Fight PT.3

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Warning! Incredibly short fight! Also i don't own the soundtrack "Yami or Kiru".

[Ushina POV]

I walked and i saw where i wanted to be, which was a lake surrounded by trees and a large mountain.

I readied my weapons, and i turned Frontal Burst back to its lance form, and loaded my gun with eighteen bullets

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I readied my weapons, and i turned Frontal Burst back to its lance form, and loaded my gun with eighteen bullets. I know this is a good place to camp because i have many advantages, of course i could just wipe her out of existence but that wouldn't be fun. I walked on the water and i can sense that there are some rocks floating, and some trees also. I crossed the waters and made it to the middle, and so far, no one attacked yet. So i decided to plant some mines, not regular mines, but invisible floating ones. I casted Drifting Killer Mines (got it from Overlord), and stood there waiting. Then after a few minutes the floating rocks and trees flew at me and tried to hit me. Keyword: Tried. As soon as they almost got near me, they exploded due to my mines. I sighed and just snapped my fingers and manipulated the water and considering i already have my eyes on everyone since the start of the battle, i just used the water and grabbed Inko and slammed her down. I'll break her in anyway possible. 

Ushina: Sup.

Inko: *trying to get up* G-Give me back m-my s-son!

Ushina: That ain't possible. We already defeat like two of you, what purpose is there to even fight me. Give up, this is like dropkicking a toddler. (Get the reference?)

Inko: I-I am not a toddler!

Ushina: Feels like one. So just give up and succumb to death.

Ushina then manipulates the water and it was two water dragon serpents.

Inko was scared, but tried to lift some trees and rocks and throw it at Ushina, but it was blocked by the dragons' watery body

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Inko was scared, but tried to lift some trees and rocks and throw it at Ushina, but it was blocked by the dragons' watery body. The dragons' absorbed the thrown trees and rocks and spat it out into the water. Inko attempted to run away but was caught by the dragons and eaten up. The two dragons swirl and form into a water sphere and was cutting up Inko, ripping her suit to shreds, and dealing/giving massive blows to her to make her bleed. Then ten cyan magic glyphs appeared out of thin air all facing towards Inko.

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