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[3rd POV]

It was a weekend, it wouldn't seem exciting except if you met the Midoriyas. Since it was a Saturday, Eri has two days for herself and her adopted father. So she decided it would be fun to wake his daddy up with a surprise. She sneakily went towards her papa's room. When she entered, she noticed that Ukaza was still sleeping, so she jumped and landed on Ukaza whilst screaming wake up. Ukaza was hard as stone, but it didn't injure Eri.

Eri: Daddy wake up! *pushes him*

Ukaza: *grunts* Okay Eri, good morning.

Eri: Morning daddy!

Ukaza: What do you want for breakfast my sweet snowflake?

Eri: Pancakes!

Ukaza: Okay, wanna help me make them?

Eri: Okay!

Ukaza got out of bed and was going to wear his normal clothing for today, but he noticed that Eri was still in her onesie, so he decided to wear a onesie also to mess with her. So he put on a Eraserhead onesie that he made, and went towards the kitchen. When Eri saw what he was wearing, she started to laugh.

Eri: *giggling* What are you wearing daddy?

Ukaza: Well your wearing a onesie, so why not, do i look good?

Eri: You look good! C'mon daddy! Let's make pancakes!

Ukaza: Alright!

Then they made pancakes, they were either giggling and laughing at each other or having a good father daughter relationship. Then they ate their pancakes, well, Eri did have some syrup and she smiled on how sweet and good it is, then the door rang. Ukaza didn't who was that, and he went towards it too see Ushina there.

Ukaza: Ushina, what's up?

Ushina: Hey Midoriya, nothing much. I'm not gonna question why are you wearing a Eraserhead onesie but i just wanted to drop by and also to give you this. *Gives him a package and a letter*

Eri: Daddy, who is he and what's that?

Ukaza: Eri, this is a friend of mine, Ushina. Eri, say hi to Ushina.

Eri: Hi!

Ushina suddenly got a heart attack because of the cute aura and the blinding smile that Eri was giving off, he clutched his heart because of a cute heart attack but he managed to regain his composure. He brushed it off like it was nothing, after that Ukaza read the note. It said:

"Dear Mr. Midoriya

Due to your evolving state of your company and your knowledge, your company has been ranked #1 in the records of Japan and #3 in the records of the entire world. Keep up the work and also the package with this letter comes your official certificate of your new degree in Quirkology and Analytics. We thank you for giving us your presence of your might. 

From the BQS (Bureau of Quirk Study)"

After Ukaza read the letter, he opened the package and it was two of his new degrees. He was happy, so happy infact that he got his phone and bought a new stuffed toy for Eri.

Ukaza: Eri, since i got two new degrees in my work, you're getting a new stuffed toy.

Eri: YAY! Thank you daddy!

Ukaza: No problem, remember to take good care of it.

Eri: Okay!

Ushina: Welp, good bye Midoriya..

Ukaza: Bye

Eri: Bye Bye mister.

Ushina: Bye.

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