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(top pic is Thicc Deku cuz y not?, also the ship is now IzuMomoJirou, making the poll i made a lie HAHAHAHAH!!!! I'M SO EVIL!!)

[A week after Izuku has ran away] [3rd POV]

Inko had just gotten home from hero work, she was visibly mad that it took so long, but now she can relax. She threw her purse onto the couch, but the recoil made the purse fall down and its contents fell over. She let out a small groan as she collects her stuff, but as she was collecting her stuff, she noticed a blue thick book, she grabbed it and opened it and she saw pictures, family pictures if i may add. She had a big smile as she flipped the pages, but the smile never reached fully, as soon after the 4th pics were done, she saw her family smiling happily........ without Izuku, she noticed that, and she started to flip the pages more quickly. The more pages she flipped, she saw how depressed Izuku was, until she saw that Izuku was isn't in the picture. She tried to remember any memory that was with her son, but nothing was there after his 4th birthday. She fell down crying regretting everything that has happened towards him, she had neglected him for being "quirkless",  she was hugging the picture of Izuku with every heart she had left for him. 

[In a different place]

A/N: Forgot to mention that Izumi has OFA but doesn't know how to control it.

In Dagobah beach, it was usually a trash pipe due to illegal dumping, but Ushina and Izuku used this to their advantage, but Ushina wanted him to surpass his limits, so Ushina the entire trash pile weight like a bunch of planets stacked on each other, which made Izuku- I mean Ukaza train harder with his quirks. The results, well.... They cleaned the entire beach, they just made an Illusion to make them think it was still littered with trash. Toshinori was just standing there processing how did the trash disappeared in a single night, then Izumi came up to him.

Toshi: Hey Izumi! How was school?

Izumi: Something weird happened at at school.

Toshi: What happened at school?

Izumi: Well...... Bakugo's arm was broken off cleanly and it was healed.

Toshi: Ha! What vile villain would do such a thing?!

Izumi: Well the thing is....... It was Izuku..

Toshi: Wait what?!?!

Toshi: Yeah....

Toshi: Why, and more importantly, how?

Izumi: Well..... Izuku had a quirk...

Toshi: 'Wait Izuku had a quirk!!! Does that me "he" is back?!?! No! that can't be possible, i defeated and killed him all those years ago......... But could he be alive.... I should tell Izumi as it might be a possibility'

Toshi: Izumi........ What i'm about to say to you stays with you alright?

Izumi: Okay?

Toshinori then told Izumi about the story of OFA and AFO and how it all began. Izumi was thinking that he might be the successor of AFO and she might have to fight him, or worse, kill him.

Toshi: I know it's hard to accept it, but he chose this path....... We need to save him...

Izumi: *forgetting that she bullied him* R-Right..

Toshi: We need to head back to break the bad news for your mother..

They were heading back to their house so they can tell their wife/mother the news, but when they entered the home, they saw Inko crying and hugging a picture of Izuku whilst eating ice cream (And if your asking, no she doesn't become fat).

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