Vigilante | Encounters

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[A year later] [Izuku POV]

It's been a year since i left and faked my death, everything is going great if you ask me. My vigilante name "Dreadnought" has been known through the entire country of japan as the #1 Vigilante, i escaped so many heroes and captured/killed so many villains that i lost count. The government tried to put a bounty on me, but thanks to Ushina, they didn't. With my academical degrees, i was able to open a company called "Midori Enterprises", it is currently a top-ranked company that was made to make support gear and anything to help the heroes, we also help the quirkless and the poor by giving them money and essentials. I also opened a cat cafe near my company because why not, it's pretty nice to see the shocked faces of the leader of Midori Enterprises working at a cat cafe. Kanjono became my legal guardian and trained me more than hell can offer, I also adopted a cute little child named Eri, if your asking how? Let me show you

Flashback about half a year a go [Still Izuku POV]

It was night time, i was just patrolling around, jumping from roof top to roof top and i decided to drop down. I landed on the sidewalk, and after walking around, i saw a white blur come and tackle me, i looked down to see a white-haired girl wearing a small white dress wearing bandages.

???: P-Please d-don't l-let that b-bad man t-take me!

I was confused, but then a man wearing a green jacket with fluff on the hood and he was wearing a crow mask, i immediately knew it was the yakuza leader Overhaul. He didn't know who i was and i think he hasn't heard about me.

Overhaul: Ah sorry, my daughter can be... A handful, come along now Eri, we don't want to keep this man busy won't we.

Ushina did teach me one of his spells that he knows, it was a passive skill named "Identification Theft", it allowed me to see the info of a person, such as their true names, their age, their blood type, and the list goes one, but what i truly notice is their affiliates and their family members. I checked and i saw that "Eri" wasn't her child, so i went with a different approach.

Ukaza: I'm sorry, but this isn't your daughter.

Overhaul: I'm sorry, what do you mean? She is my daughter. 

Ukaza: I mean that she isn't your daughter, Overhaul.

As soon as he heard his name, he took off his gloves and charged at me, but before he could, i used my EMS to place him in a Tsukuyomi. He flopped onto the floor, scaring Eri. But then i looked at her and told her that she would be okay. I wrapped Overhaul in a dark cocoon and went straight towards the police station. He carried Eri and Overhaul in the cocoon behind him, before he dropped him off he put a sticky note on him saying:

"Dear Police

I just took this guy named Overhaul out because of kidnapping and child abuse. Your welcome

From your favorite Vigilante, Dreadnought

Ps: I just adopted a child."

I dropped off Overhaul and i carried Eri back to my home, she was still clinging on me, until we went inside.

Ukaza: It's fine i'll be here to protect you

???: Y-You will?

Ukaza: I will, what's your name 'not like i already know'

Eri: I-It's E-Eri

Ukaza: Well Eri, my name is Ukaza, i will take care of you from now on

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