Chapter 10 : c.san's DMs

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3 Idol Dreamers

You to will not believe what just happened to me. And you surely wouldn't believe it if I didn't show proof.

Insert Screenshot

That's really cool. Who knew after a simple Instagram music video you would be noticed by the guy you really really like.

That's pretty freaking insane Sannie

Not gonna lie.
I'm jealous. Wish Seonghwa would notice me. But we can't all be that lucky😂😂😂

It's really cool and he wants me to audition for a new group that will be forming.

I'm happy for you Sannie.
He's giving you a chance. Take this to become who you want. You can do it.

Me and Yunho believe in you. 😁

We both believe in you 100%
Work hard Sannie

Thank you Hyung's.
I'm so lucky to have supportive friends.

Also you cannot tell anyone. He's trusting me to keep it a secret from the internet. I only told you two because I trust the both of you and he said it was alright to tell you two.

I'm glad you can trust us Sannie.

Hey do you guys want to go out to celebrate? We can go to that new cafe that's in town.

Sounds like a wonderful idea. Can get cake as well😁

You guys are way to sweet.
But let's go.
However I am paying for Hongjoong Hyung.

Um... No your not!! 😡

c.san seen at 12:32pm

Nah I'll pay for you Hyung.

No you are not!!!
No one but me is paying for me!!

yun_ho99 seen at 12:36pm

Aish these kids!!!!

Hope you all are enjoying!
Maybe the next chapter will actually be a chapter.

How was everyone's first few days of the new year?

It's a whole new week in the new year and I understand school is back.

Luckily I don't have school at the moment so I will still be able to write chapters for y'all.

Have a good day at school everyone!
Study and get good grades!

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