Chapter 21 : Home

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No ones POV

After Yunho explained the what was said, except for the last part, Hongjoong nodded.

"Well that was very nice of him. I'll have to thank him somehow." He said as they were now half way home.

"Who's bright idea was it to walk and not take a car? I am so tired." San said a little annoyed with walking.

"We really should have taken one but walking is really good for you. So don't complain so much. It's healthy." Hongjoong scolded.

Though Hongjoong is the smallest he's still the oldest and wants to make sure everyone is in good health so he decided they should walk.

"Oh hey Hyung are you going to think about the audition?" Yunho asked the fading pink hair male.

"Yea I'm going to think about it. It does sound like fun even if I don't make it. But I also don't wanna make a fool out of myself." He explained.

"Hyung you could never. You are really talented. If anyone of us makes it you surely will." San said with a smile which make the shorter smile.

"Thank you but we still never know. I will still think about it though." He said as they walked up to San's house.

"I'll see you guys later." He said said with a wave.

The two older friends wave back to the younger with smile as they continue walking to the next house.

"So Hyung. How much do you really like Seonghwa?" Yunho asked the older.

"I like him a lot. He's a really sweet and kind person and I am not only talking about what he did for us. He is a good person in general. Like you remember that time when the girl was getting pushed by some fans so they could be closer and he saw? He looked straight at her and helped her get back in her place. The there was that one time in his comment section when that fanboy was getting bashed for being a fanboy and he stepped in and was telling them that it was alight to be a fanboy. He supports the LGBTQ+. He is such a good person Yunho." Hongjoong explained to the taller.

Yunho smiled the whole time Hongjoong was talking about the idol. Everything he was talking about happened so long ago and he still remembers those things.

"You are also very sweet Hyung." Yunho said.

"I am?"

"Yep. No matter what anyone does or says to you. You will still always be nice to them. I'm proud to be your friend." He said with a smile.

Finally they got to Yunho's place and the taller looked at the other.

"Let me drive you back home." He said and Hongjoong agreed because he was tired of walking.

After being taken home and watched the younger drive away he got into his own car and left to go to the store.

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