Chapter 27 : cottoncandy_bby's DMs

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cottoncandy_bby to _mars_

You are who now?

I'm Seonghwa

Please tell me you are lying.


Here a picture no one has ever seen

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Here a picture no one has ever seen. That's me right now.

I told you everything I know about you.... I'm so embarrassed.
I'm so sorry.
You must think I am so weird.

Hongjoong it's alright really.
It's cool to see someone who is so passionate about someone but also not making it all about their life.
You have three accounts.
Your cute account
Your fan account
Your music account

Your way to kind.
I still can't believe I told you all of that though.
But it's cool that you don't use who you are to your advantage.

No never
That's not right in anyway.

I'm really glad you think like that. I was telling Yunho about how good of a person you are a while ago.

Aw that's really sweet and from what I have seen you are a good person yourself.

I really try. It's hard sometimes but it's always better to be kind then be mean to anyone.

I agree
We really need more people in the world like you.

I think we need more people like you. Your just to kind to all your fans and even the haters. Calmly discussing things with them when they are in the wrong.
You are seriously someone I look up to.

I'm very happy that you look up to me. That let's me know that I'm a good influence on people.

You are a good influence on a lot of people. The world is so lucky to have you in it.

Thank you for the kind words. They are always wonderful to see.

Of course!
I'm just speaking the truth after all.

You really are sweet. We need to hang out sometime you know.

I would really like that. I'm sure it would really be fun. Is there somewhere in specific you would like to hang out?

Well I really like to go to the arcade. Does that sound good?

Most definitely!
I love the arcade. When did you wanna go?

How does this Friday sound? I'm free that day.

Sounds perfect.
I'll put it on my calendar.

Also are you going to enter something for the audition?

I have something in mind but it's going to be different.

Oh? What is it?

You'll have to wait and see.😁



I really want to know

Well you'll have to wait for a but so I can get it done. I'm going to work very hard and post it.

Well whatever you do I bet it is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see it.

I hope it turns out good.

I bet it will I mean you are an amazing singer. You might make it and get in.

Yea yea but you will most likely get in right away because you are absolutely amazing.

Who knows we'll see what the company has to say about it.

Anyway what do you wanna talk about now that I know this is you now?

Well let's get to know each other for a bit.

Sure where do you wanna start?

Hmmm well you know my favorite color so what's yours?

They questioned each other on many things for a few hours until Seonghwa had to go do something for work.
He was very happy to get to know the smaller.
Every time he thought about him he would smile really big.
And that smile stayed on his face for the rest of the day.

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