Chapter 29 : c.san & ye0sang

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Youth by Troye Sivan
November 7
642❤ 88💬

wooooyooooung You sound so beautiful!!🥰
~ c.san Thank you🥰 Amazing!

yun_ho99 Good work Sannie.
~ c.san Thank you Hyung.

notfakemusic Come join us! You are amazing. We'd love to have you.

_hjoong_ I really need to get to speed up on what I am doing.
~ c.san I'm looking forward to seeing yours Hyung. You always surprise us.
~~ _hjoong_ Your sweet. Now let's talk about those emojis you and Wooyoung have been sending each other?
~~~ c.san *San has left the chat*
~~~~ _hjoong_ Sannie!!!

Me after you by Paul Kim
#kqentries #cover
November 7
3.1k❤ 4.5💬

jung.choi You actually did it?
~ ye0sang You asked me to. So of course I did. ☺
~~ jung.choi Thank you☺
~~~ ye0sang Of course

lilly_moon OooooO not only is he good looking. He can sing to~

minnieboo Wow! He can sing?!

a_j_bear Awesome singing.

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