Chapter 12 : _mars_'s DMs

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_mars_'s to cottoncandy_bby


How are you?

I am doing good. How about you?

I am doing good thank you for asking.

Of course.
What are you up to?

I cannot exactly tell you where I am but I am drinking a blueberry shake.

Sounds good.
Also I really like your hair color.

Thank you.
Also I really like the idea you gave.
Blue hair sounds awesome. I might actually try it.

I'm glad you like the idea. I can't wait to see blue hair on you. I'm 100% sure that it will look wonderful on you.

Then you'll actually be know as Cotton Candy Baby.

(Seonghwa looked up at Hongjoong to see him smiling and blushing)

Thank you.
And that will be true.
Now I want to do it even more.
Blue hair is next for sure!

I'm really excited to see it now.

So what do you like to do?

Oh I like to make music but I'm not really good.

Can I hear?
I bet you are really good.

Oh... I'm not sure... I'm not really good.

Oh come on. I bet you are ready good.

Alright... But just... Don't make fun of me.

Of course not. I would never make fun of you.

Alright. Just give me a bit to figure out which I will send you.

I'll wait.

Seen at 1:14pm

Alright so I can't pick on so...
I'll just send you my music account.

Oh? You have another account?

I have three actually but I refuse to tell you my third one.

Insert Account Link

Seen at 1:16pm

(Seonghwa clicked on the link, put in his headphones and then clicked on a random post of the others and listened to the song that was by the other.)

I won't tell you what song he listened to just yet.
Maybe in the next chapter.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Also I'm so sorry this chapter is a few hours late. I was busy doing other things and didn't really know what I wanted to do with this chapter.

I really hope you are all doing alright and having a good week so far.

Have a nice day, night, or evening wherever you are in this beautiful world.

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