Chapter 19 : Concert

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No ones POV

It was four in the afternoon when Hongjoong, Yunho, and San got to the concert. There were many people there that it made Hongjoong a little uneasy.

"Hey guys I think I know why I never went to a concert. There is to many people here." He said and got closer to the taller of the three, Yunho(6'1).

Yunho and San chuckled at the smaller one as Yunho ruffled his hair.

"It's alright Hyung we are here you don't need to be scared." San told his oldest friend.

"How is that supposed to make me feel better? I now feel more in danger." He said with a slight smirk making the tallest gasp.

They all started laughing because they know that he was just messing around. Soon they went to go find there spots in the crowd of people. Somehow Yunho and San got front seats. Hongjoong had no idea how they did it but he wasn't going to question it. Part of the deal is he wasn't allowed to know how much money was being spent on him.

It was a bit before the concert was to start to everyone was just waiting and talking among themselves. After 30 minuets it started and Seonghwa was up on the stage singing and being really hot. Hongjoong couldn't stop staring up at the male on stage.  He would stare and sing along with everyone in the crowed.

After a couple of hours though the concert was over and Seonghwa was telling everyone good night and that he would see all the people with back stage passes in a few.

The three friends cheered with everyone while he bowed to the fans and walked off the stage to the back. Finally the three got out of the crowed after many minuets and into a spot with not so many people.

"That was really fun guys. Thank you for taking me. To bad the fun had to end." Hongjoong said with a smile.

"Who said it was over? I know I didn't" Yunho said and then looked at San. "Did you say it was over?"

"No I didn't Hyung." San answered the taller.

Hongjoong was confused until he remembered what Seonghwa had said.

'I'll see everyone with back stage passes in a few minuets.'

"You guys didn't. That costs so much money." He said with a frown.

"And you are not supposed to worry about the money." Yunho said and then dragged the oldest to the back stage area where they showed the guard their three tickets and got in.

There was not many people in the back stage are as the tickets did cost a ton of money.

"You guys are really sweet. You really shouldn't have spent so much money on this. This had to have costed around a thousand dollars." Hongjoong told the two.

"Hyung stop worrying about the money." San said as he shook his head.

"But I can't. I know this costed a lot and you really didn't have to do it. I swear I am going to find a way to pay you guys back and you cannot refuse." He said with crossed arms.

This made the two laugh and make the shorter very confused.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious." He said.

"Hyung we are laughing because we are not the ones you wanna repay." Yunho said while trying not to laugh and San dying of laughter.

"What do you mean? If I'm not repaying you then who am I repaying?" He asked confused.

San while still laughing points to someone on the other side of the room making Hongjoong look over to who it is only to see he's pointing to Seonghwa. He then looks over to the two with wide eyes.

"So your telling me... He paid for us?" He asked with a tilted head as the other two nodded theirs.

Hongjoong didn't know what to say he was shocked. After about half of an hour of being shocked and not knowing what to say the tall idol came over to them.

"Hello it's good to see you three again." He said with a smile.

The two younger males said hello while Hongjoong blushed and looked down. He didn't want the older to see he was blushing.

"Oh and your Hongjoong right?" Seonghwa asked getting the smallers attention.

"Yes I am. Please tell me what they told you was a lie." He said with hopeful eyes.

"What about me giving them free back stage tickets?" He asked making the smaller even more shocked.

"You really didn't have to do that." Hongjoong said.

"I know."

"Then why did you?"

"Because I wanted to." Seonghwa said with a smile. "Oh and also I heard from a little bird that you lied."

Hongjoong looked at him confused. He didn't know what he lied about.

"I'm sorry I don't know what your talking about. I don't lie about anything." He replied.

"Oh really? You don't remember lying about you making music?" He asked with a chuckle making the shorter blush.

"Who told you?" Hongjoong asked.

"Someone but you don't need to worry about that. You are really good at singing." He told him with a smile.

"Th-thank you." He said with a small blush.

"You should audition for the new group that is being made with your friends." He said.

Hongjoong smiled a little and while nodding said, "I'll think about it."

This made the Idol smiled and nod as well. They all spent a while talking about things and about what they like to do until it was time to leave. Once Seonghwa split from the group of friends Hongjoong looked at his friends with a smile.

"Thank you for taking me. You two are really the best of friends ever." He said and gave them a hug.

"Now just one more question?" He said backing away from the two youngers.

"If it's about the money no you cann-" Yunho didn't get to finish as Hongjoong interrupted him.

"No its not about the money. I wanna know how he knew we were coming." He said looking at the two.

Both San and Yunho looked at one another and then San pointed to Yunho.

"He told him." 

Yunho started laughing then looked at Hongjoong.

"You really wanna know?" He asked


"Alright. I'll tell you while we walk to the car. Lets go." He said and started his telling him.


I hope you all like the story part today.
Have a wonderful day, night, evening, or morning wherever you are in this beautiful world.

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