Chapter 14 : _mars_'s DMs

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_mars_ to cottoncandy_bby

That was amazing.

Thank you.
I'm still not as good as my favorite idol though.

Who's your favorite idol?

Well I'll describe him to you.
Then you try and guess who it is.

Sounds like a deal.

Well for starters.
He's an amazing artist.
They way he sings and dance is just so... 😍😍😍
He has black hair as of now.
And wow is he the most gorgeous man on the face of this earth.
I would give anything just to hug the man.
I bet he's a really good hugger.
He's very very handsome.
He's tall.
Like really tall.
I feel like an ant when I think of his height.
He's a vocalist and visual.
I mean how could he not be a visual he's freaking beautiful.
Birthday is April 3rd making him an Aries.
His name means "To be a Star"
He likes the colors black and blue and he's a bit of a clean freak.
Something I am not😂😂😂

Wow... You really know a lot about this guy.

Yea... I do... Sometimes I just feel that I come off a creepy since I know a lot about him.
Which is why it's not something that I let people know about me right away.
And I am not completely sure why I told you.
Am I creepy?

No of course not.
You're just a cute little fan boy is all. That's alright.

However you never did say who it was. Am I still supposed to guess?

Yes you need to guess.

Is it... Hmmm

No. Wooyoung has blond hair at the moment. And he's shorter then my favorite. Also Wooyoung's favorite color is just black. Not black and blue. Not to mention that his birthday is seven months away from my favorite idol. Making him a Sagittarius. Can't forget Wooyoung is a dancer.

Whoa.... You really know a lot.

Yea I know. I only know a lot because I look up to them and want to be like them one day.
However it probably will never happen. Which is why... I work at a pawn shop.

I'm sure you could do it.

I know I could but I just don't think I'm as good as Seonghwa.

Wait... Crap.

Seonghwa is your favorite?

(Seonghwa smirks already knowing this information from San)

Yes Seonghwa is my favorite idol.

Well that's interesting.
You know I'm sure he would want you to try and become an idol.

And how would you know?

He's a nice guy.
Should give it a try.

(San is talking to Hongjoong about leaving now since he's gotta go do something.
Hongjoong nods and looks back down at his phone.)

I'll think about it.
I have to go do something right now so I will talk to you later.

Talk to you later Cotton Candy

Later Mars.

Seen at 1:39pm

Sorry it took so long to update.
I have been really stressed on posting for a bit and accidentally stopped posting on my Instagram(s) as well.
Not really proud of that.

But here it is.

I'll have a new chapter for you on Thursday.

Also I am in the works of writing a new book.

It's a little different then anything I have ever written.

So look out for it when I post it.
That is if your interested.

Anyway. Have a nice night, day, evening or wherever you are in this world.

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