Chapter 11 : Cafe

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3rd Person POV

Hongjoong, Yunho, and San all met up at the new cafe that had opened last week.

The cafe is called; NCT's Cafe

The cafe has many... Many.... MANY employees. But that was alright because the cafe seems to be really popular and has gotten a lot of business.

The first one to get to the cafe was Yunho because he lived closer to the form.

Yunho wore a black short sleeve shirt and a dark blue jacket over it due to the cold. He also wore blue jeans and white sneakers. A pretty normal look. Then came San who wore a black shirt with green and red strips, black skinny jeans, and different white sneakers. Clearly both males had to different styles. Though then came the oldest of the three but also the smallest, Hongjoong. The smaller wore a baby blue turtle neck sweater, light blue jeans, and white and grey sneakers.

The two taller males smiled at their Hyung when he came up. He always looked so cute in anything he wore.

"Are you two ready?" The shortest of them asked.

"Yes I'm really excited to taste the food here. I have heard really good things about this place." Yunho said with a smile while he rubbed his hands together.

San agreed with a big smile to the two older males and then they finally all went inside.

Inside was very different then any of the cafe's they have been too. There was cherry wall paper and cherry pictures on the walls. Along with all of that on the wall in neon pink and green lights was the words, "Cherry Bomb".

"Whoever made this place has a big thing for Cherries." Yunho said while he looked at the walls.

"Hello! How may I help you three?" A male at the counter said with a smile.

All three males went up to the counter and looked at the menu. There was a lot of cherry flavored things but that didn't bother the group of three.

Yunho got a red velvet cake and a cherry bomb smoothie, San got a vanilla cake and a strawberry Banana Smoothie, and Hongjoong got a birthday cake and a blueberry shake.

Once everything was paid for all of them took a seat at a booth in the middle of the cafe.

While the three talked amongst themselves two men came into the small little cherry cafe. After they ordered they took a seat at a tall table next to the window.

The two small groups didn't notice each other until a name was spoken.

"Order for Yunho, Hongjoong, and San." The male at the counter said as Yunho got up to go get their order.

However over by the window one of the males looked over hearing the last name.

"San?" He asked looking at the group of three.

All three males looked up to see the other two males looking at them and they were non other then Wooyoung and Seonghwa.

San smiled and waved as he stood up and waved at him.

"Oh hey Wooyoung Hyung." He said and then looked at his friends.

"Oh these are my friends Yunho and Hongjoong Hyung." He said pointing to each.

Yunho bowed to the two idols however Hongjoong just stared in shock.

"It's nice to meet you too. I assume these are the two that you mention to me?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yes they are. Um do you want to join us?" He asked and gestured to their table.

Wooyoung looked at Seonghwa who nodded and got up. Both idols went over to the table as room was made for them. Once they sat down Hongjoong stood up.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom." He said quickly and left to the bathroom.

Everyone at the table watched the male run to the bathroom quickly.

"Is he alright?" Wooyoung asked San.

San looked to where his friend went and then back at the two. Once it finally clicked he started laughing which made the two idols confused.

"I don't get it." Seonghwa said as he watch the younger laugh.

"No no no I'm sorry Hongjoong Hyung really like you Seonghwa Hyung." San said with a bit of laughter.

Seonghwa made an O shape with his mouth and then started looking at his phone.

Yunho got up and smiled at the three.

"I'm going to go check on him. He must be freaking out." He said and then left to the bathroom as well.


"Hyung?" Yunho asked as he walked into the bathroom.
"Hyung are you alright?" He asked as he walked up to his Hyung who was standing at the sink and looking down into it.

"Yunho he's right out there.... He was in front of me.... I-I don't know what to do. I mean this is the guy I really look up to." The smaller said in a frantic tone.

Yunho softly smiled at his Hyung and pulled him into a hug.

"Hyung it's alright. Just be calm okay?" He said trying to calm the older down.

Once Hongjoong was calmed down enough he was ready to go back to the table making the taller one smile and lead his Hyung to the table.

"You alright Hyung?" San asked the shorter who looked at him with a smile.

"Oh yes. I'm find just got a small stomach ache." He lied and San knew he was lying but just nodded in understatement.


Seonghwa's POV

The small boy was very interesting. I believe his name was Hongjoong and he's the oldest of San and Yunho. He's so small though. It's actually really cute and what he's wearing is adorable.

After I was told that the smaller had a crush on me I went into my phone to look through my Instagram when I stumbled on the post that I saw the other day by cottoncandy_bby.

That was the boy that just left to the bathroom.

'How interesting' I said to myself and smirked.

Finally when the smaller and his friend came back I looked back down at my phone and smirked.

I type out something and then hit the send button. Sneakily watching the cute small male his phone binged and then looked at it. He smiled a cute smile and started typing.

'I am about to have fun'

What did y'all think about the chapter?

Did you like it?

Or no?

Also I'm sure you all can guess what the cafe is based on.

Anyway hope y'all enjoyed and are doing well in school.
Remember to study!

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