Chapter 34 : _hjoong_

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Elastic Heart by Sia
My first dancing video. I'm not very good but I do hope you enjoy.
November 19
67❤ 23💬

c.san Wow Hyung! That's amazing!
~ _hjoong_ Thank you Sannie!

yun_ho99 You dance?
~ _hjoong_ It's sad that I can hear you saying that in the rudest way possible 😂😂😂
~~ yun_ho99 😂😂😂 That's me!

lilly_moon Wow
~ _hjoong_ Huh?
~~ lilly_moon Not only are you bad at singing. Your terrible at dancing.
~~~ _hjoong_ ...
~~~~ park.seong_hwa✅ WTF
~~~~~ ye0sangWhat the hell. This chick follows me. How can someone say stuff like that?

I hope y'all are enjoying the story.
Are you?
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Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

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