10. Cravings

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Luke: It was 5am and you suddenly woke up with a huge craving for chicken noodles. You got out of bed slowing trying not to wake Luke, you crept down the stairs into the kitchen and started to raid the cupboards. After about 5 minutes of looking you finally found a packet of super noodles. You started cooking the noodles when you heard someone clear there throat behind you, you jumped and turned round to see Luke lent against the door frame with his arms crossed "Y/N what are you doing" he says with his husky morning voice, "i really wanted noodles" you say with you back to him stirring the noodles "at 5 in the morning?" he says as he wrapped his arms around your waist, you nodded "i was really craving them, i just needed them" you giggled "okay then, well when your done come back to bed i want cuddles" Luke says as he walks away back to bed. You finished your noodles, went back to bed and fell back to sleep snuggled with Luke. 

Calum: All week all you wanted was pancakes every day you would wake up with the craving for pancakes, even though you hated them. You went out for you weekly grocery shop and ended up coming home with 10 packs of pancakes. When you drove up onto yours and Calum's driveway Calum came out to help you bring the groceries through to the kitchen. He was helping you unpack when he came across the bag that was full of pancakes, he looked in the bag then up to you, "what?" you questioned as he looked at you confusedly "what's with all the pancakes?" He chuckled "All week all i've wanted is pancakes, oh my god i just want them so bad" you giggled as you  snatched one of the packs out of the bag and quickly opening them with scissors "i thought you hated pancakes" Calum asks a he watched you frantically try and open the packet "so did i" you laugh "but this baby must love them" you say as you rest your hand on your small bump. 

Ashton: Ashton was on his way back from the studio and you got a call from him "hey baby, i'm stopping by the supermarket do you want anything?" He asked "ermmmm.. yeah could you get me some whipped cream and either gummy words or haribo's please" You answered "whipped cream and sweets? you sure" he asked confused down the phone "yeahh.. i've been wanting them so bad all day" you whined down the phone "okay then i'll be home soon, love you" "love you too" and with that you ended the phone call and waited in the living room for Ashton to get back. After about 30 minutes of waiting Ashton came through the door and you shot up off the sofa and followed Ashton into the kitchen "here you go" Ashton says as he hands you the whipped cream and sweet "mmmmm" you hummed as you went over to get a bowl, you squirted some whipped cream into the bowel and sprinkled some of the sweets on top and mixed them together. You turned around to see Ashton just stood there staring at you with his nose screwed up "what?"  you said with a mouthful "do you realize what your eating?" he chuckles with his nose crinkled "yeah and its soooo good" you say taking another mouthful. 

Micheal: You and Micheal were sat snuggled on the sofa watching TV when all of a sudden you got a craving for ice cubes. You pushed your self off the sofa and made your way through to the kitchen not telling Micheal where you were going "where are you going?" he asked as he watched you walked away "i'll be back in a minute" you answered as you entered the kitchen. You opened the freezer and raided threw the draws. Finally you came across a full tray of ice cubes "yes!" you whispered to your self. You brought it out the freezer and emptied the tray into a bowl. You wandered into the living room met by Micheal starting at you "what have you got in there?" he questions and pointing at the bowl "ice cubes" you smile at him as he gives you a confused look "why the hell have you got a bowl of ice cubes" he giggles shaking his head "mini Clifford wants them" you say sitting down next to him popping an ice cube in your mouth. 

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