17. Asked about you in an interview

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Interviewer: "So Luke, we're hear that your going to become a farther soon?

Luke: "That's true yes, not long now at all, a month in fact. 

Interviewer: "And how's Y/N coping with this hole pregnancy thing?

Luke: "She gets tired a lot and finding things hard to do, but i'm trying to help in anyway that i can"

Micheal: "Oh and she can get grumpy to, gets quite scary sometimes" Micheal added with a chuckle which made the rest of the boys and the interviewer laugh to.

Interviewer: Last question, do we have a name for the little girl?

Luke: I was waiting for this one, yeah we do Ava Elizabeth Hemmings"

Interviewer: "What a beautiful name! Well i hope everything goes well for you both" 


Interviewer: So Mr Calum Hood, tell us, how does it feel knowing that your going to a dad real soon.

Calum: "its so surreal,  i'm so excited but nervous as the same time. Just feels like one big dream!

Interviewer: "Aww, well when are we expecting the baby to make his entrence?

Calum: "In a month or so, depend if he wants to come on time. 

Interviewer: "Is everything's all set of little Hood? 

Calum: "just about, just got some little things we need to get but yeah, the nurserys all ready and waiting. 

Interviewer: "and what about names, is there a name for this little man?

Calum: "Yeah, we have Luca Charlie Hood"

Interviewer: "That is such a cute name! Best of luck and maybe next time your here you 2will have  little baby Luca. 


Interviewer: "As you all may know someone on this couch who is daddy to be... Ashton Irwin! Ashton let out a smile giggle and nodded

Ashton: "yeah that me" He chuckled

Interview: "And you hit us with another bombshell.. It's twins isn't it?

Ashton: "that is correct, double trouble! but we found out that is going to a boy and a girl, so we're over the moon with that!

Interviewer: "That's fantastic! How do you feel about become a dad so early?"

Ashton: "well, we didn't plan to have children this early, but i did know that Y/N is the one i want to spend my life with and have children but it's just come a little earlier than expected, and Y/N's two years younger than me making her only 18 but she's handling really well" 

Interviewer: "how did your parents take it?

Ashton: "My mum took it really well, she was a little disappointed in us but she couldn't be happier, Y/N's mum was the same, but her dad wasn't very happy at all. Now Y/N lives in my family house with my mum, me and my brother and sister" 

Interviewer: "the most important question now are you ready?" Ashton nodded "do we have a name for both babies?"

Ashton: "Yeah we do, the boy is going to be called Elliott James Irwin and the girl is going to be Emilia-Rose Irwin"

Interviewer: "what beautiful names! we wish you both the best of luck and i hope everything turns out okay"


Interviewer: "So Micheal when are we expecting to see baby Clifford?"

Micheal: "well its actually at the end of this month, so not long now and we seriously can't wait!"

Interviewer: "How is Y/N and you finding pregnant life?" 

Micheal: "Well it's stressful for me, i can't imagine what is like for Y/N, her belly has gotten so big she's and she's getting so uncomfortable. But for someone who is 9 months pregnant she's still looking pretty hot" Micheal laughed along with the others

Interviewer: "bless her, but it'll be worth it won't it?"

Micheal: "of course it will, i can't wait to have a mini me or mini Y/N running around"

Interviewer: "so you still don't know what the gender is yet?" Micheal shook his head

Micheal: "no we wanted to be surprised, the best way i think only down side is you can't focus on girly or boyish stuff, it's all just whites and creams and all that"

Interviewer: "what about names have you a names planned?"

Micheal: "yeah we do, if it a boy then his name will be Aiden and if its a girl then we've decided on Isabella"

Interviewer: "what lovely names! Good luck with everything, give our love it Y/N as well. 


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