13. Finding out the gender

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Luke: Today was the day that you and Luke where going to find your the gender of baby Hemmings and you were so nervous! You arrived at the hospital and waited for the nurse to come and get you. After waiting a while you heard "Mrs Hemmings?" You and Luke followed the nurse to the room, you climbed up on to the bed and rolled up your top "haven't you gotten big" the midwife said as she turned to face you "i know i'm big now and i'm only 5 months ish!" you giggled. The midwife squirted the gel onto your belly and started moving the wand around your stomach, your baby appeared on the screen, you could see all its features you couldn't believe it, you looked a Luke who was in amazement just staring at the screen. "would you like to know the gender?" the midwife asked looking at youyou turned to looked and Luke who immediately said yes. The midwife moved the wand again looking closer at the screen "well... it looks like your having a... girl congratulations!" the midwife says and she turned to look at you, you threw your hand over your mouth as you were engulfed into Luke's massive arms "we're gonna have a daughter Y/N!" Luke says as his head was rested on yours. 

Calum: You were so excited to find out the gender of your baby you booked the earliest appointment you could. But sadly Calum couldn't come since he had to be at an interview for a breakfast show so you went on your own. You got the hospital and sat in the waiting room, finally the nurse came out "Mrs Hood the midwife's ready for you now" you got out your seat and followed her to the room, you got up on the bed and waited for the midwife to stop "is calum not here today?" she asked as she squirted the gel onto your stomach "no, he had and interview" you sighed she moved the wand round your stomach as you watched your baby appear on the screen "it doesn't look like a peanut anymore" you giggled causing the nurse to giggle to. "are you wanting to know the gender?" she asked you nodded and stared at the screen waiting, she positioned the wand so she could see and she moved closer to the screen "its looks like you'll be having a little baby boy!" she says happily "oh my goodness!" you exclaimed while looking at the screen. You got out the room and rang calum straight away "hello love" calum says "hey baby!"   "how did the scan go? did you find out" he asked "yeaah and we're having a..."   "come on babe spit it out" he chuckled "we're having a boy!!" you scream down the phone "are you serious we're going to have a son! i can't believe it!" she excitedly said down the phone. 

Ashton: You were woken up by Ashton jumping on the bed next to you shouting "Y/N, Y/N, babe wake up!" you woke up with Ashton stood over you "we're finding out what we're having today! i'm so excited" He jumped off the bed and you pushed your self up so now you were sitting up, you were huge and you were only 5 months. You got out of bed, got dress and you and Ashton were straight out the house. You arrived at the hospital and you sat and waited for 5 minute but it felt like 5 hours! Finally the nurse came and said "miss Y/L/N" Ashton shot out his chair and helped you out of your chair. You walked hand in hand behind the nurse into the room Ashton helped you up on to the bed, you laid down and rolled up your top to reveal your massive bump "Christ arn't you big!" The midwife said and turned around to look at you "i know i feel like a whale" you laughed. The midwife squirted the gel onto your stomach and started to move the wand round your stomach "okay so here's baby number 1" she said pointed to the screen then she moved the wand again "and here's baby number 2" you smiled at the screen "would you like to know the genders?" She asked "yes please" you said quickly and you looked back at ash who was sat there nodding. "Okay so.. baby number 1 is a... Boy and number 2 is a... Girl! congratulations!" you looked over at ashton as tears ran down your face, he wiped away your tears and kissed you on the forehead "one of each!" ashton said excitedly  

Micheal: Yours and Micheal had an ultra-sound day, you could find out the gender if you wanted but you decided you would wait until the birth to find out. Micheal drove you both to the hospital, you checked in and went and sat in the waiting room. You looked up from your phone to see the nurse walking down the corridor "Mrs Clifford?" you and Micheal got out your seats and followed her into the room. You went and lead on the bed and pulled up your top from your belly. "okay lets get started" the midwife said as she squirted the gel onto your belly, she placed the wand onto your belly and started moving it around. She finally found a clear picture of the baby "babe look how big he or she's got." she said as he looked over at the screen "i know! look at its little nose!" you said in aw. "would you guys like to know the gender?" the midwife asked, you looked over at Micheal to see if he still wanted to wait "no we want it to be a surprise" Micheal confirmed "okay that's absolutely fine" the midwife said as she wiped the gel off your stomach. 

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