12. First kick

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Luke: You were sat on the sofa waiting for Luke to come back with your food and drink. You've been wanting your baby to kick for a while but nothing seems to be happening and you would always have your hand over your stomach just in case. You sat waiting with your hand placed onto your stomach when you felt a gentle thud against the inside of your stomach. "Oh my god" you whispered to yourself and you put your hand over the spot you felt it waiting for another, about a 30 seconds later you felt another against your hand "LUKE COME HERE QUICK" You shouted towards the kitchen seconds later came running in "what, what?! whats wrong?!" Luke says as he runs over to you. You grabbed his hand and placed on the spot where the baby had been kicking as soon as Luke placed his hand on your belly the baby did a slight kick against his hand "what was that?!" Luke ask clueless "Luke it's the baby kicking" you laughed at Luke's comment "no way! kick daddy's hand again baby!" Luke says to your belly as he presses a kiss onto your stomach.

Calum:  Calum was at the studio all day so you had the full day to your self. You just making yourself a mug of hot chocolate when you felt a slight nudge inside of your stomach, you quickly stopped what you were doing and placed your hands over your stomach, moments later you felt another one "you little wriggler" you giggles down towards your stomach "you better do it for daddy when he get home" you smiled. You went into the living room grabbed your phone and text Calum 'you won't believe what just happened!!' Minutes later you got a reply from calum 'What?! whats happened' 'Baby hood just kicked!' you replied 'no way! keep him/her kicking i'll be home soon!' you didn't reply after that and just waited for calum to get home. About an hour later Calum came bursting threw the door, dropped his bags and ran straight over to you, fell to his knees in front of you and placed his hands over your stomach"come on baby, kick for daddy, come on" calum says towards your stomach. Soon after you felt that nudge against your stomach again "did you feel that cal?" you asked and he stared at your stomach in amazement "that's amazing" he says waiting for another. 

Ashton: You were lying down on the sofa with your legs over Ashton's lap as you both watched a film. You had a bag of popcorn rested on your chest constantly eating but every so often throwing one at Ashton to see if he would catch in his mouth. He usually failed. You'd had enough of the popcorn so you put it down next you on the floor. You started tapping your fingers on your bump to the beat of Don't Stop. After a while of doing it you felt something press against your fingers you turned your head from the telly to look down at your stomach and started tapping again, moments later you felts another one "oh my god" you gasped which made Ashton bring his attention to you "what you oh my godding at?" he questioned. "One of the babies just kicked" You said as you grabbed his hand and put it on your stomach "do that drumming thing you do with your fingers" he started to do that and minutes later your felt the push against the inside of your stomach "did you feel that?" you asked as he looked at you in amazement "yeah, that is so weird but the best thing i've ever felt!" he says as he continues to drum waiting for another one "I can't believe this, i can actually feel my baby!" he says as he come and gives you a kiss not taking his hand off your stomach. 

Micheal: You hadn't been sleeping well for the past few nights, you would just toss and turn only getting about 3 hours sleep a night. You were lead there with Micheal fast to sleep next to you. You got your phone and started scrolling through your Facebook and twitter feed when you felt a slight thud against the inside of your stomach, you stopped scrolling and froze while looking down at your stomach not knowing what the hell that was, minutes later there was another one when you realized what it was. You shot up and held your stomach "do another one for mummy" You whispered. Finally you felt another one. "Micheal!" you whispered/shouted "Micheal! wake up" you said and nudged him "Whaat?" He mumbled with his eyes still shut. "the baby just kicked!" you said causing him to immediately wake up and sit up "are you being serious!" he asked "Yes! come here" you say and you grab is wrist and placed his hand over your belly, you waited there for a few minutes but nothing happened "try talking to it" you said and you laid down and Micheal coming closer to your belly "come on baby kick for daddy, i want to feel, come on." moments later you felt another "did you feel that one?" you smiled towards him "this is awesome!" he exclaimed as he smiled up at you. 

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