4.Telling his parents

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Luke: You and Luke came up with an idea on how to tell Luke's mum and dad. Since it was near Easter you both decided that you would go out and get a 'Happy Easter Grandma and Grandad.' cYou went out and bought the card and wrote it before you went to deliver it to lukes parents house, in the card your wrote: Hi Grandma and Grandad it your soon to be grandson or granddaughter! i'm so excited to meet you soon, i love you. lot of love baby Hemmings.'  Once you wrote the card you and luke made your way to lukes parents, clutching on to the card tightly as you were neverous but really excited. You made your way into lukes house and you were welcomed by liz and we hug and a kiss on the cheek. You all went into the living room, you were all sat around talking when you brought the card out of your bag which caught liz's attention. You handed the card to liz's and gripped onto lukes hand waits for her responds. She opened the card and her jaw just drop and she let out a loud squeal "i'm going to be a grandma! Andrew we're going be grandparents"  she shot up off the sofa and brought you both into a bone crushing hug followed by Andrew doing the same, they were both so excited. 

Calum: Calum to make sure that both your parents where the first people to find you so you decided that you would tell them both together. Once a your parents, Cal's parents, you and Calum would go out for a meal, your families where really close. You were so excited to tell your parents and you couldn't wait to see there reaction. Once you were all seated the waiter came round and asked what drinks you wanted all the your mum and calums mum had a glass of wine and calum, your dad and his dad had a beer, but you only had water and both mum's looked at you weirdly since you always had a glass of wine with your meal "no wine tonight Y/N?" your mum asked confused, you shook your head and looked over at calum who was trying to hide his smile. "actually me and Y/N have an announcement" you smiled over at calum and nodded giving him permission to share your news, "well.. Y/N's pregnant!" calum blurts out excitedly everyone's heads turned towards you with wide eyes "Congratulations!!" they all said together, your mum and calums mum got up and both came and gave you a hug while calum, your dad and his dad share and hand shake with a pat on the back, the rest of the night consisted of baby plans. 

Ashton: By the time Ashton had got his head around about you being pregnant, Anne, Harry and Lauren arrived home with dinner, they had gone out and bought you all McDonald's. You and Ashton were quite all the way through the meal and Anne was getting concerned. After dinner Harry and Lauren went you side in the backyard to play. You and Ashton helped his mum clean up then after she sat you both down as she was concerned. "Okay guys you two we're awfully quiet during dinner, have you two had a fight or something?" Anne asked as she looked at you both, by this time you could feel a lump in your throat while you held back your tears, "no mum we haven't had fight" ashton says quietly as he fiddles with his fingers "then whats the matter with you" ashton looked over at you and you gave him a small nod in consent ashton too a deep breath and you avoided any eye contact with Anne, "well... it's just... Y/N's" Ashton took another deep breath and looked worryingly towards his mum "Y/N's what ashton?"  Anne says sternly looking from you back to ashton "pregnant.. Y/N's pregnant" ashton say not making eye contact with his mother. You both looked up at Anne who was sat there in absolute shock, "i'm so sorry mum, we didn't mean for this to happen" Ashton whispers anne sighs and shakes her head "i know you didn't love, did you erm use a. condom?" Anne questions, ashton just nodded "it must have split" ash sighs, this hole time you sat there quietly with tears running down your face, Anne stood up and came and sat by you and wiped away your tears "how far gone are you sweetie"  "Just gone 3 months" you sobbed with your head rested on Anne's shoulder "and do your parents know yet?" you shook your head "my dad is going to kill me" you say and you begin to cry harder. Ashton came and sat at the other side of you, he put his arm around you and started kissing your temple "we'll get through this babe i promise" and whispered into your ear "we'll all be here to support you Y/N, you can come over anytime that you want, we all love you" Anne says lovingly and presses a kiss on your head. 

Micheal:  Micheal wasn't one for doing anything specially even when it came to telling his parents they were going to become grandparents. Before you started to eat the pizza you made he made you go get your pregnancy test and place it next to the pizza so he could take a picture to send to his mum and dad. Once he took the picture the sent to straight to his mum with the caption 'look what Y/N made me!" A couple minutes later she he received a text back she obviously didn't read it because she replied with "a pizza, she always makes you pizzas" you and Micheal laughed and replied back "mum read what it says on the pizza"  with that reply a couple minutes later Micheal got a call from is mum you both smiled and answered the call "Hey Grandma Karen and Grandad Daryl!" Micheal shouted down the phone causing you both to laugh "are you being serious i'm going to be a grandma, your not joking with me are you?!" Karen asked seriously down the phone "yes mum we're being serious we're going to be parents!"  You talked to his mum for a little longer and then hung up after about 15minutes, you both breathed a sign of relief, you both snuggled on the sofa discussing babies and every time a baby advert came on you'd both became excited. 

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