23. The Labour and delivery (Ashton)

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You had arrived at the hospital with Anne, Lauren and Harry. You'd been there nearly an hour and there was still no sign of Ashton, you were beginning to worry, your labour was moving fast and you were scared that he was going to miss it. Anne made Lauren and Harry wait in the waiting room which was just outside your room. 2 hours had past and Ashton still hadn't arrived "Anne please ring Ash, I really want him here" You ask Anne nodded and took out her phone and began to ring Ashton "Hey love, are you nearly here? Y/N labour is moving quickly" Anne asked down the phone "Yeah mum i'm about 15 minutes away, tell her to hang in there!" Ashton explained quickly down the phone with that they said their goodbyes and put down the phone, "15 more minutes darling" Anne said stroking your head.

Just after 15 minutes Ashton burst through the door, "i'm here, i'm here baby" Ashton said breathless as he ran over to you and kissed your head.  he took a seat next to you, you nodded with your lips pursed, you could feel another contraction building you grabbed hold of Ashtons hand tightly and your gas and ear in the other "Y/N are you okay?!" Ashton asked worryingly "She's having a contraction Ash" Anne reassured him "i want an epidural NOW!" You cried out Anne got up and went out the room to find a doctor. "it'll be all worth it babe, i promise, soon we'll have our prince and princess" Ashton smiled and kissed your hand, you smiled and nodded. Moments later Anne returned back with the doctor "Hello Y/N, hows it going?" She asked "It hurts so much, i just want it to go away" you whined "well that's what i'm here for" she smiled "okay Y/N would you mind sitting up for me and we'll get started" She asked. You pushed your self up with help from and sat with your legs dangling off the bed. The doctor undid your gown and wiped your back "Okay Y/N, this may be a bit painful okay" she explained rubbing your back, with that you berried your hand in Ashton's chest and he held you tight while whispering cute comment in your ear to try and relax and distract you. As she inserted the needed you let out a little squeal and gripped on tightly to Ashton's t-shirt. Once it was over you laid back down on your side facing Ashton, half an hour past and the epidural had worked you could not feel a thing.

Your labour had slowed down and it felt you were never going to have these babies 8 hours had past and you were only 6cm. You were beginning to get uncomfortable "Ashton i can't do this anymore" you whined "not much longer now, i promise" Ashton said he brush your hair out of your face with this big hands. Another 3 hours past and the nurse came to check on you again, "11 hours, considering your only 18 your managing so well!" the nurse praised. She check you over "well, it looks like you've hit 10cm, are you ready to become a mum?" the nurse smiled up at you. You turned towards Ashton who was smiling down at you. The nurse left to go the the doctors, Anne left the room as she just wanted it to Ashton in the room with you seconds after she left the room you saw the boys, Lauren and Harry come into the room "Good Luck Y/N" they all said, "thank you" you breathed as you were half way through a contraction, they all left as the doctors came into the room.

"Are you ready to have babies?" the doctor asked as she got into position. They were all ready and in position "okay, lets get these babies out, on the next contraction i want a small little push just to get us started" the doctor explained just after you felt a contraction coming, you gave a small push "that's it Y/N" the doctor said as you pushed. "now we've gotten start i'm going to need bigger pushed okay?" You nodded and breathed through the pain. Another contraction hit and you gave a big push "If you do it like that every time we should have our first baby very soon" the doctor said with a smile. The contractions where coming strong and fast now even though you couldn't feel any pain you could feel lots of pressure. contractions kept coming strong and fast and with each one you give massive pushes "the heads out Y/N just the shoulders and body to go!" the doctor said trying to encourage you, Ashton lent to have a look "He or she's got hair!" he exclaimed making you giggle while you were giving a massive push "here the baby comes!" the doctor shouts, you kept on pushing "Here... HE is! baby number one is here" the doctor said as she passed him onto another nurse "You did it, Elliotts here!" Ashton said over the baby's cry. You breathed heavily as you waited for the next contraction which will start the next delivery. Minutes later you felt a contraction coming "here we go again!" the doctor exclaimed, you grabbed onto Ashton's hand again and began to push again, After a few pushed the head was beginning to come, it was happening faster then the first. You gave once massive push and all of a sudden you felt a lot of pressure "Okay that's the head out, she's nearly here, keep going!" the doctor assured you. You Gripped Ashtons hand and you gave a big push, you let out a wimper "Thats it keep going the shoulders are out!" even though you had so much pressure you just wanted this baby out so you kept on going "Argggggghhhh" You screamed as you gave your last push "that it! you've done it!" You broken down into tears, you looked over at Ashton who was also in tears "you did so well babe, i'm so proud of you!" Ashton sobbed as he placed his forehead against your sweaty head, he placed a kiss on your lips "here they are" the nurse said holding one and other nurse holding the other, the nurse gave you Emilia and Ashton Elliott. There Gorgeous you smiled through your tears, the nurses left the room. Moment later Anne poked her head round the door she cover her mouth and timidly walked over to you followed by Lauren, Harry and the boys. Anne looked over your shoulder a long with Lauren and Harry and the other boys looked over Ashton's "I can't believe there here" Anne said in tears "Y/N did so well" Ashton said proudly.

Elliott James Irwin - 5lbs4 - 29th October 2015 - 4:47am

Emilia-Rose Irwin - 5lbs6 - 29th October 2015 - 5:12am

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