7. Telling the boys

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Luke: You and Luke thought you would throw a little get together for the boys and you. You wrote each letter of 'I'm Pregnant' and scattered around living room and kitchen. When the boys arrived you explained to them that they had to find each piece of paper and not to open them until they found all 10 pieces of paper. The boys ran around the house like lunatics, which made you and Luke laugh as you sat on the sofa watching them. After about half an hour they finally found all the pieces of paper they and they walk in to the room shouts "FOUND THEM"  You told them to come and sit down "now you have put them in the right order and it should spell something" what you thought was a simple task it seemed to take them longer than you thought. Finally they put them in the right order with help from Luke, they didn't catch on at first they had to read it about three time until it clicked. They all looked up at you and Luke, you were both sitting there with big grins on your faces "are you guys being serious?! Y/N's pregnant?!"  Ashton asked. You and Luke looked at each other and nodded the boys shot up out of their seats and came a jumped on Luke giving him a hug. Then they all calmly came over to you and give you a hug. "well we know what you too have been doing" Micheal winks at you both causing you to blush and giggle. 

Calum: You and calum weren't very creative so you struggled to find away to tell the boys but finally you decided that you would make them all a card with a picture of the scan on the front. You downloaded the picture onto your laptop when on to Moon pig (a website where you can make cards for people) you put on the picture on the scan and wrote inside the card 'I can't wait to meet my uncle! Lots of love Baby Hood' you didn't really know what to put you just couldn't wait to tell them. A couple days later the cards arrived and you wrote there names on the back of each envelope. Calum went off to the studio and invited the boys round afterwards. Finally the boys came back to yours and calums house, once they were all in your living room calum brought all the boys a bottle of beer and a glass of water for you, you would usually have a glass of wine or something but today you didn't "no wine Y/N" Ashton ask confusingly you shook your head and took a mouth full of water "Right guys we have something too give you"  you said pulling the cards from the behind your back. You gave them all there cards and you can calum sat there waiting for them to open them. They all started opening there cards and began to grip onto calums leg as the excitment grew in your stomach. Micheal was the first to bring out his card and he sat there looking at it in confusion then the other too did exactly the same "open them then" calum hurried. Finally they opened them "oh my god no way!" Luke said while running towards you can calum flinging his arms around you then you were soon joined my Micheal and Ashton jumping onto Luke's and Cal's back "I bagsy god father!"  Micheal shouts causing you both to giggle. 

Ashton: Ashton bought the boys back to his house for a BBQ after having a day at the studio. They all came in a flopped onto the deckchairs outside but Ashton came and gave you a hug and whispered "we need to tell them soon" you pulled away from the hug and nodded. "I'm just going to the toilet" calum says getting up and walking inside.  2 minutes later calum comes back looking confused "why is there loads of girly things in the bathroom in your room" Ashton looked at you and looked back at calum "well Y/N has moved in with us Ashton explained "why?" they all asked together "well..." ashton started but was interrupted  by you "wait a minute" you say getting up and going inside and going upstairs to get the framed scan from yours and ashtons room you brought it back down while hiding it behind your back "well my dad kicked me out"  the boys all turned to look at you "why would he do that?!" Luke asks concerned "this happened" You say as you bring out the frame from behind your back holding it against your stomach so the boys couldn't see "whats that?" micheal asks confused you turned it round and placed it on the table so the boys could see "what the hell is that?!" Micheal asks while staring at the picture "its Y/N's ultrasound"  Ashton speaks up, once he said that all there eyes turn to look at you "I'm pregnant"  you confess "with twins"  Ashton adds causing there eyes to widen even more. You turned to the side and lifted up your baggy top showing your little bump "oh my god" the all said as the stared at your belly. The all stood up and gave you both a hug "congratulations!"  they all shouted "but two mini you and ashton are you serious!? how are we going to cope?!" Calum jokes making you all giggle. "so why did your dad kick you out over this?"  Luke questioned "because i'm only 18 and he doesn't approve of teenage pregnancy's"  You explained "well we'll buy ashton some condoms for his next birthday, but we'll be here for you both!" Micheal joke and reasures you "well its too late to buy condoms now!" Ashton laughs. 

Micheal: Micheal wasn't one for telling news in an exciting way, so he wanted to just tell them and show them the scan. Micheal took you too the studio with him to watch him practise and that's when you were going to tell them boys, so you made sure you had the scan in your bag. You got to the studio and you sat on the sofa and watched them practise after a few songs the all decided they were going to take a break. Micheal came and say next to you and nodded as a signal to tell you that he was about to tell them. "alright guys me and Y/N have an announcement"  the boys stopped talking and made all there attention on you both. You started to rummage through your bag to find the scan "well i'm just gonna say it.. Y/N pregnant!" Micheal exclaimed as you finally found you the scan you brought it out your bag and passed it over to the boy so they could see it. "Are you being serious is this your baby?!" Luke asks excited "yes Luke who else's would it be" you giggled "i can't believe it congratulations guys!" Ashton says staring at the scan. They all got up and you all had a group up they were all so excited.


Sorry this one wasn't the best when it got to micheal i began to run out of idea's! but i hope you enjoyed this one! 

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