5.Telling your parents (Ashton)

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I'm not doing a Telling your parents for the other boys because it was just going to be the same as the Telling his parents, so i thought it might be a abit boring for you guys to read it again, but with ashton its a teenage pregnancy so it could be a bit more intresting! enjoy!xo 

Your confidence was boosted after you told Anne as she took it so well, even though Ash got a lecure once you'd left, when you got home from ashton's you went straight upstairs without say a word to your parents, all you could think about is how you would tell your parents, you were so scared. The next day you invited ashton round for the day, and at some part of the day you would break the news to your parents. 

The next day came around and you were woken by Ashton perched on the edge of the bed moving the hair out of your face, you slowing opened your eyes and smiled as soon as you saw ash sat there "Morning gorgeous, sleep well?" ashton wispered you nodded, stretched out and sat up to give him a hug and a kiss. "your mum let me in as she was leaving for work, i hope you don't mind" you shook your head "course i don't mind!" you said rubbing your eyes and shuffling along so ashton could get into bed next to you, he took his shirt off and climbed into bed next you you as you rested your head on his bare chest listening to his heart been while talking about what his mum 'lectured' him about last night, sounded like he got on earful. You both spent the day in best eating junk food and watching films. It came to your mind that your parents would be home in an hour and you still didn't know how you were going to tell them "ash how are we going to tell them, there going to be home soon" you said lifting you head to look at him, he sighed "i don't know babe, maybe we should just tell them and hope for the best."  ashton says as he moves a piece of hair out of your face, it fell silent for moment, "dad's going to kill me" you mumbles "he's going to kill you?! what about me, i'm the one that got you pregnant" he says with his eyes wide causing you to let out a small giggle.

Time pasted so slow but soon enough you heard the front door open and your mum and dad talking down stairs, all of a sudden you hear "Y/N, Ashton come down we got you some tea!" which was your mum shouting up the stairs, you can ash look and each other knowing that this was the time you had to tell your mum and dad, you got in to a tight vest top so your bump was visible but then put on ashton hoodie which would cover it until you have told them. You went down and all sat down round the table. You fiddled with your food with your folk not wanting to eat as you felt sick with nerves, your mum asked if you were okay and you just sat the and looked at her before shaking your head, you knew your mum would be more understanding about this however your dad not so much. You took a deep, squeezed ashton's hand before standing up, you looked down at ashton, you saw the fear in his eyes, "mum.. dad.. i need to tell you something" your mum and dad looked blankly at you, you too another deep breath and lifted up ashtons hoodie reveling you small bump "i'm pregnant"  you choked as you tried to hold back the tears. Your mum sighed and shook her head, while your dad sat there, his face getting redder and redder with anger your mum stood up and brought you into a tight hug, she was so understanding "we'll help you through this won't we lo-"  your mum was cut off by your dad yelling "YOU" as he stood up and charged towards ashton "YOU DID THIS TO MY DAUGHTER" ashton froze with fear watching your dad come towards him, you quickly ran in front of your dad trying tp stop him from getting to ash "DAD STOP" you yell as you stood between him and ash your dad looked down at you with anger in his eyes "I want you out of this house within the next hour you stupid little girl!" tears began to run down your face "w-what"  you sobbed and looked over at your mum who was too scared to say anything "i want you out" You quickly ran up to your room with ashton hot on your heels, he helped you pack your bags "what am i going to ash" you sob was you walk into his arms and wrapping your arms around his body "it's okay baby you can come stay with us at mine" your bags were packed within 20 minutes and you made your way down the stairs to find your mum at the bottom of the stairs while your dad was till in the kitchen. You gave your mum and tight hug and a kiss and left.

You arrived at ashton's. Ashton went and talked to his mum who agreed to let you stay with them and you were so greetful, anne sat you down with a cup of tea and talked about what happened, later that night you got a text from your mum saying - 'Hi sweetheart, I'm going to apologize on your behalf, he never should have spoken to you like that, especially in this situation me and him will be having words. Just because he doesn't want to see you, doesn't mean i can't, your always welcome here, i'll just let you know when he's not here. I'm going to by your side through out this all, just give your father some time and he'll come around. See you soon, Love you always - Mum xxxx' this message made you feel so much better know at least you had your mum, you unpacked your stuff in ashtons room and you both just relaxed in bed. 

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