21. The labour and delivery (Luke)

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You arrived that the hospital, Luke helped you out the car with help from Ashton and they both helped you into the building with Calum and Micheal following behind. They walked you to the reception and sat you down on the seats Luke ran to the desk "Help my wifes having a baby, please help her!" he paniced to receptionist, they got you a wheel chair and took you to a delivery room.

Luke had rang his parents then rang your but you parents where away so they wouldn't be there for the birth. You only wanted gas and air that was it nothing else and Luke had not left your side, always holding you hand during contractions. About an hour later Liz and Andrew came through the door followed by the other boys "hello darling" Liz said as she came towards your and kissed your forehead moving your hair out your face "how you getting on?" she asked "not going to lie, it's hurting so much, i don't know how much longer i can take of this" you whinnied "it'll be worth it though, believe me" she smiled you looked over at Ash, Cal and Micheal sympathetically look at you, you smiled at them but your smile soon dropped and you could feel another contraction coming "ohhh, Luke, Lukeee!" you cried, you help out your hand out for him and deep breaths of your gas and air, the boys cringed as they watched you "i think it's time for us to go outside boys" Andrew says as he guides the boys out the room leaving you with Luke and Liz. You had Luke on side and Liz on the other both of them were so calm, you sat there groaning, you were so uncomfortable and in so much pain. One of the boys would pop there head round the door just to make sure that everything was okay and then the nurse would come in every half an hour or hour just check you over. You had been at this for 8 hours, you were getting there, but very slowly. The nurse come in and checked you over again "well Y/N, you about 7 cm dilated" you threw your head back and groaned "i can't do this anymore" You said as a tear rolled down your check, Luke stood up, whipped away your tear and stroked your head "your doing so well baby, just 3 more centimetres" You breathed your gas and air as another contraction hit.

Another 3 hours passed and your contractions were coming strong and fast. The nurse came back for your check up "well Y/N looks like were ready to have a baby" she smiled, you look over at luke  who was stood there with his hand over his mouth and then you looked over at Liz who was stood there with a massive smile on your face "i'll let the boys know" she said she she walked out the room while the nurse's got you ready. "okay Y/N can you do one small little push just to get us started" You gave a small little push then stopped "that's it well done" the midwife said "on your next contraction i want you to give a big push just so the baby came come down" About 20 seconds later a contraction came, you gave a big push while gripping onto Luke hand taking breaths with your Gas and air. "Fantastic, like that every time and the baby should be here!" You gave a small smile but then began to push again as a big contraction came, you did a massive push making your scream and grip tightly onto Luke hand "i can see the head, keep going" you did another big push while taking more of your gas and air "The heads out, well done! just the shoulders to get threw now, but if you push like you have been they'll be out in one" you breathed deeply and gripped onto Luke's hand and Liz was there filming while stroking your hair You did a big push threw your contraction "FUCK! SHE'S GOT YOUR SHOULDERS LUKE!" you cried out making Luke and Liz laugh, "that's the shoulders out well done Y/N now keep pushing and baby will be hear" the midwife shouted as your kept on breathing. Your felt all the pressure release, your eyes widened as you heard your baby cry, you looked up at Luke who was also crying, he Lent down and gave you a kiss "you did so well babe, i'm so proud of you" He sobbed again your head "would you like to cut the cord Luke?" the nurse asked, Luke took the scissors in his shaky hand and cute the cord, you looked up at Liz who was staring at the baby "she's gorgeous Y/N" she said in aw. Moments later you were handed your baby wrapped in a pink blanket "hello Ava" you said as you stroked her face with your finger and tear running down your face, you looked up at Luke who came down and gave you another kiss "I love you" he said with his forehead pressed against yours and he lent down more and kissed the top of Ava's head. Minutes later you had all the boys at the bottom of the bed "i can't believe you did it, she's actually here" Ashton says and he looked at you and the baby "amazing, and oh Y/N where heard what you shouted" calum giggled, you looked at him confused "she's got your shoulder Luke!" Micheal mimicked making you all laugh.

Ava Elizabeth Hemmings - 7lbs5 - July 14th 2015 - 9:05pm

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