24. Labour and delivery (Micheal)

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After an agonizing drive to the hospital you finally made it. Micheal jumped out of the car and ran round your side grabbing the bag on is way, he helped you out the car. You made your way down the long corridor's holding your painful stomach, finally making it to the maternity ward. Micheal rush over to the desk and checked you in, moment later a couple of nurses got you into a wheelchair and took you down to your room.

Your mum and dad where away so they weren't able to be there, but Micheal's parents where already on there way. You had never been in as much pain as what you were at this moment, the contractions here coming faster and stronger. Micheal was there the hole time stroking your head, wiping the sweat from your forehead and holding your hand "not long now babe" just as Micheal said that the nurse came through the door "hows it going love?" she asked as she pulled the rubber glove over her hand "fine" you breathed. The nurse checked you over "your only 4cm's dilated" the nurse said as she gave you a sympathetic look "it's still going to be a while" she said as she rubbed your leg "oh and there some people here to see you, shall I let them in?" the nurse asked, you and Micheal nodded and the nurse left the room. Moments later Micheal's parents came slowly through the door "hello darlings, hows it going" Karen asked and she walked over to the side of your bed "it hurts... a lot" you whined. "its going to love, but it'll be all be worth it when he/she gets here" she smiled as she moved a strand of hair from your face "Micheal have you let the boys know?" you asked "no, i forgot!... I'll go do it now" Michael said as he walked out the room with his phone and then coming back in minutes later chuckling "there excited" Micheal chuckled "there on there way, they didn't want to miss there nephews birth" he chuckled. About an hour later the boys came bursting through the door "did we miss it?!" they panicked. You shook your head and you took deep breaths of your gas and air "thank goodness" Calum breathed, "we'll be outside" Ashton said as he came over and placed a kiss on your sweaty forehead then so did the others.

You had now been in labour for 20 hours and still no baby. The boys where still outside fast a sleep on the chair along with Daryl and Karen and Micheal was fast a sleep in the chair by the side of you. The nurse came again to give you another check "20 hours, your a little trooper" the nurse said as she began to check you "well it looks like were about ready to have this baby" the nurse smiled. You nudge Micheal "Micheal it's time" Micheal slowly began to open his eyes "What?" he grumbled "it's time!" you repeated he shot up and grabbed hold of your hand "lets do this" he said she he kissed your hand. "right Y/N, to begin I want just a few little pushes to get us started" the nurse said. you gave some little pushes while breathing through your gas and air. "Now we need bigger pushes Y/n and the baby will be here in no time" the nurse said you gave a big push "that's just like that" you gave another big push, you let out a scream and gripped onto Micheal's hand "that's it baby, your doing so well" he said as he kissed the top of your head "i see something" the nurse said looking confused "what is it?!" you cried out "the baby's breech Y/N your going to have to push a lot harder now" "breech?" asked worryingly. "it just means that the baby is upside down which means it's going to a bit hard for it to be out" the nurse explained. You gave a massive push "that's it! if you do it just like that next time your baby will be here" you stopped pushing "i can't do this anymore" you whimpered "you can babe, one more push and it'll be here"

You gave one more massive push breathing through the massive amount of pain, you let out one massive scream the the room was filled with a baby's cry "it's a girl!" the nurse said as she held her up to show you "you did it Y/n she's here!" Micheal said as he began to well up. Micheal cut the cord and they took her away to be cleaned and weighed, moments later the nurse brought her back over and handed her to you "she's perfect" you said as you admired you new daughter, Micheal ran his finger over her cheek "i'm so proud of you" she said, you looked up at your teary husband, he lent down and you share a long kiss "i love you" "i love you too."

Isabella Mae Clifford - 8lbs3 - 23rd September 2015 - 1:53pm


I'm going to be doing a baby series leading on from this I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it and thank you for all the nice comments. Love you all my munchkins:*

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