Chapter 8

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It has been two weeks since I'm locked in a prison which is also known as a mansion. I don't have the liberty to go outside this mansion without asking Ryan. I have discovered half of the mansion, the other half is yet to be discovered.

My routine is the same. Wake up on the floor of Ryan's room, go to my room, have food, do classes, lunch, nap, reading, watching TV, dinner and sleep. What an awesome routine.

I had talked with Mom and Di but I couldn't talk much with them because of the time interval. I haven't contacted Sneha or Mahi. Neither did they. I had tried but I don't know-how Ryan got to know it and snatched my phone from me for one week.

Today, I wish to tell Ryan that I'm getting bored and I want to go out but I don't know how to say. I know I should say with my mouth but whenever I look into his eyes I forgot what to say.

After my classes, I stood before his desk, organising my words in a proper sentence, with closed eyes. I opened my eyes to say what I had prepared but I stopped when I saw him looking at me. An idea came in my mind.

I turned away from him. "I am getting bored here and I want to go out," I said facing the door. Then, I turned towards him and he had What-was-that look.

"You could have said it on my face," he stated.

Yes, I could have if you haven't looked in my eyes," I said in my mind.

"Where do you want to go?' He asked. I was shocked because he agreed. Canada, I'm coming to explore you.

"Park," I said.

"No," he denied.



"Why?" I asked for a reason.

"There would be too many people."






"Too sunny."

And after declining all the places I suggested, he agreed on going to a bookstore. Finally, he agreed on something.

"Let's go," he said standing up.

"You are going?" I asked.

"We are going. But first, let me change," he said and went away. I also went to my room. I wore a white top with a long pink coat and lose jeans.

 I wore a white top with a long pink coat and lose jeans

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When Ryan said 'we' I thought he was talking about me and him. But by 'we' he actually meant me, him and 8 bodyguards. Four bodyguards formed a circle around me and him. Not a small circle, a big circle. Two bodyguards were at the automatic door of the store. Other two bodyguards were somewhere in this store.

Thank God, not many people were at the store. But still, the customers who were there were looking at me like I'm from another planet. First, because of the bodyguards who didn't let anyone near Ryan or me except the sales girls. Second, the sales girls were pampering me too much.

After getting a lot of pampering and staring I went to the counter, with Ryan, and exchanged Indian currency to the Canadian dollar. I got 175 Canadian dollars in exchange for 10,000 Indian rupees. Then I started to look for in the book.

"You could have asked me for money," Ryan said.

"What if you steal my money," I said and he laughed. He motioned something with his hand and the four guards scattered.

After searching for fifteen minutes, I finally got the book I wanted. YOUR DREAMS ARE MINE NOW by RAVINDER SINGH. I couldn't bring all my storybooks so I have to buy some from here.

I also brought two more books. CAN LOVE HAPPEN TWICE? and TELL ME A STORY. I wanted to buy more books but couldn't because I have limited money. I looked at some books, silently promising them that I'll buy them.

After buying the three books, I had only 75 dollars left with me. Ryan and I sat in the car waiting for the guards to get in their car.

"Let's go to a restaurant," he suggested.

"Why? 'There Would Be Too Many People'," I said air-quoting as well as mimicking his line.

"Then let's go to my restaurant," he said. He is really rich.

We reached his restaurant called 'The Foodie'. We went to the top. There was nobody on this floor.

"Why isn't anybody here?" I asked. I could see most of Canada from here.

"Do you know the chairs are for sitting purpose?" He asked me. I looked behind me to glare at him but he wasn't there. I looked to my right and saw him sitting at a table. I took a seat before him.

A waiter came and handed us the menu. I searched for the cheapest food as u have a little amount of money left with me. The cheapest food is a salad. Although I'm not a diet freak still I ordered it.

"Ryan I want to do something," I said hoping that he would find me a suitable job.

"Then do," he said leaning back in his seat. Okay, he misinterpreted what I wanted to say.

"I mean to do something to earn money like working in a cafe," I said.

"Why do you need to earn money?" He asked and before I could answer him the waiter came with our food.

I'll talk with him later because food can't be made waiting.


"Please," I said for the hundredth time. Okay, not for hundredth times but for fifteen times.

After having the surprisingly tasty salad, I said that I want to earn money so that I can buy my necessities and in return, he said that he had enough money to spend on me. Cocky much. From then I started requesting him. I requested him all the way home and now in the living room.

"Please," I requested again. I swear I would forget other words if I say 'Please' for two more times.

"Ok. But you can work for only six months," he said after getting irritated by my persuasion. He took out his phone fr his pocket and started typing something. I plopped down on the couch. While typing he sat on the couch.

"Tomorrow at 11 a.m. your shift would start at a cafe. Be ready by 10:45 a.m. Jack will show you the way tomorrow," he said and looked at me. I kept looking at him.

"At least nod so that I can understand that you understand," he said and I nodded dumbly.

"And your books are in your room," he said while going towards the stairs.

From tomorrow I will start working, with this thought I went to my room.

I was shocked when I saw what was there in my room.


What is there in her room???

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