Chapter 6

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Ayantika sat in the backseat of the car thinking about her future.

Back in the airport while running Jack took shelter in front of Ryan, which resulted in Ayantika colliding with Ryan's back. Ryan didn't say anything to her but glared at Jack.

The car halted in front of an iron gate. The guards opened the gate and the car went in and again stopped in front of a mansion. The mansion was huge. It was cream in colour. Ayantika's side of the door was as opened by the chauffeur and she got down.

A finger pushed her chin upward and that made Ayantika close her mouth. She knew that she was close to drooling over the mansion. Thanks to whoever finger it was that stopped her drooling. And the finger belongs to none other than Ryan.

"Come," he said and went in without Ayantika. Ayantika caught up with him after running a little. They entered a hall. Everything in the hall was expensive and clean. Nobody could detect a small amount of dirt in it. Before Ayantika was a staircase. The design of the staircase is something she hasn't seen before. Behind the stairs is a sliding door leading to the backyard.

Ayantika was so busy staring that she didn't notice Ryan climbing the stairs.

"If you want we can arrange a bed here," a voice said from behind her. She turned and saw the twin brothers and three men carrying bags.

Without saying anything, Ayantika quickly climbed the stairs. Ryan was standing in front of a door with his hands in his pocket. He opened the door and went in. Ayantika went in and was amazed by the room. The room is of navy blue with the ceiling white. A queen-size bed was there. On either side of the bed was a bedside table. There were two sliding doors. One leading to the balcony another is yet to be discovered. There is also another door.

"This is your room for the day but at night you will sleep in my room so that I can be sure that you will not run away," Ryan said. Ayantika doesn't have a choice here so she nodded.

"And give me your phone," Ryan extended his hand. Ayantika gave her phone to him. He typed something in it and gave her phone back.

"You are only allowed to talk to me, your mother, your sister, Jack and Jacky. Don't try to contact others," Ryan ordered and left Ayantika to get settled in her room.

Ayantika's P.O.V.

After ordering me, he went away. I first went to the balcony. My room overlooked the garden with a pool. I will spend most of my time here.

I opened another sliding door and it led to a huge closet. The closet was huge. There were already some clothes. I exited the closer and got in again with my bags. I started organising my clothes.

The door led to an en-suite which is as huge as the room. Everything was modern. There was a shower and also a Jacuzzi.

How rich is he!!! I thought.

After freshening up, I heard a knock on my door. It was a maid who came to take me to the dining room.

The dining table was long. And at least 35 people were sitting. Ryan was sitting at one end of the table. On his right side was Jack, and on his left side was Jacky. I took a seat beside Jack.

"Exchange your seat with her, Jack," Ryan said to Jack who was about to take a sip of the water.

"Why not Jacky?" He asked.

"God, you are such a kid," Jacky said and stood up. He motioned me to take his seat. I did so and we started having our dinner of Poutine.

After dinner, I went to my room. But before I could enter, a maid took me to another room.

Three of its wall was black and another was navy blue. Everything was the same as my room except that it was bigger than mine.

I was admiring the room when the door opened and came in Ryan.

"You will sleep here," he said and entered the closet. He came out of the closet wearing sweatpants and a tank top.

Thank God, I had worn a top and loose pants or else I had to borrow his clothes.

He got under the covers and told me to sleep on the other side of the bed.

How can I sleep with him? From childhood, I was being told not to sleep with any male before my marriage except my brother.

"I'll sleep on the couch," I said.

"Why?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Because I want to," I said and laid on the couch.

"Don't blame me when your neck and back will pain," he warned.

Aayu he is trying to convince you to sleep beside him, I said to myself and soon sleep overtook me.


Short chapter. SORRY 😔.

The next chapter will be long, I hope so.

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