Chapter 27

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The writings in this (Italic) means flashback/memory (whatever you want to call it)

I threw the pen holder towards Jeremy but it didn't hit him.

Lucky bastard

"It's been five years and still you couldn't find the mole," I asked him, who seems like he would pee soon.

"Sir I have checked everyone's profile except..." He stopped.

"Except?" I raised my brow.

"Jack and Jacky." I pulled the gun out from the drawer and shoot him in his shoulder.

"Do you think they will ever go against me? Get out before I shoot you again," I ordered. Without wasting any second he left the room.

I looked at the photo frame on my desk. It's of me and Ayantika. I remember that Jacky forced me to click a picture with her. It was when I and Aayu were in our 'no-talking' phase.

I'm trying to wrap this mafia business started by my fore-grandfather. I know Aayu don't like violence. It's quite difficult to get out of the mafia if you enter it. The only task left before I leave this is to find the mole Leo talked about and after I have him I'll personally put three bullets in his head.

Ayantika P.O.V.

I looked at the clock and realised that it's time to go home. My mom has left earlier today and I have to do her share of work also. I have been working in my mom's company for the past three years. I had started as an intern but they hired me before my internship ended because I am good at my work. Their words, not mine. I am also trying for CA. I don't want to become CA but as it keeps me busy so I took the course. It helps me not to think about Ryan.

The only boy I like, maybe love.

From morning till evening I do my work and after that, I study. But at night his thoughts come. It was very hard for me to leave him. In these five years, he didn't try to contact me so I think he forgot me.

Even if I stand before him he will not recognise me because after all, I was just a pawn. But my heart yearns for him. Many a time, I have thought of booking a flight to Canada and go to him. If he was a normal boy, then we would have a happy and perfect ending. But he is a mafia leader.

"Where are you lost?" Samridhi asked. She is an intern. She just started her internship one week ago and somehow we became friends.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Your stop," she said.

"Oh sorry." I apologise, for what I don't know. I handed my share of fare to the auto driver and entered my house.

Mom handed me a glass of water as soon as I sat on the couch.

"Have you packed your bags?" I asked her while taking a sip.

"Sometimes I wonder who is the mother between is?"

"Of course you are," I said and placed the glass on the floor as I am too tired to lean and place it on the coffee table.

"Then why don't you listen to me?" She asked.

"I listen to you," I said and stood up because I know what will follow. I quickly turned and went towards the stairs.

"Then contact Ryan. It has been five years," and the topic, which I desperately wanted to avoid, arised.

"Mom I'm tired we'll talk about this after you come back from the trip," I said and ran upstairs before she can say anything else.

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