Chapter 10

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"This is the cafe where you will work," Jack said spreading his arms wide.

After changing into her work clothes which consist of jeans and a yellow sweatshirt, I came out of the bathroom. I saw Ryan leaning on the headboard. He raked his eyes on my body and suddenly he ran out of my room. Then, after having our breakfast, Jack took me to the cafe and here I'm now.

Jack took me in and I'm awestruck. It's more than beautiful.

"Is everything beautiful in Canada?" I thought.

"Not everything but the buildings of Parker," Jack spoke up from beside.

"Did u said it aloud?" I asked him.

"Loud and clear," he stated.

"So this is also made by Ryan?" I asked.

"Not by Ryan but by his dad," he said. I looked around the cafe. There were not many people.

"Hi," Jack greeted the boy at the counter.

"Hello, Jack," the boy greeted back.

"This is her," he said indicating me.

"Oh Hell, I'm Cirrus," The boy - Cirrus - said forwarding his hand for a shake.

"Hi. I'm Ayantika," I said and shook his hand.

"Ayantika he will tell you what to do and how to do. I'll come at 5," Jack said in a hurry and went away from there.

I rounded the corner and stood beside Cirrus.

"So your main work is to take orders. Then you pressed this bell and a waiter would take the order," he said while pointing towards a call bell. "And you would also make coffee," he said.

For the next thirty minutes, I was being taught how to make different coffees.

"Oh. A customer came. Do your job," he said and wished me luck. I took the order of the customer. He wanted a cappuccino. I started making his cappuccino. I handed him his order and took the money.

"You are a fast learner," Cirrus complimented me. I said a thank you and my day started.

Finally, at 5 p.m. my shift ended and a girl named Charlotte took my place. I was waiting outside the cafe when Cirrus came and told me that Jack can't come and he would drop me. I still messaged Jack to rectify and he messaged back by saying that I should go with Cirrus.

"Sorry, my car got punctured so we have to walk," Cirrus said on our way home.

"It's okay," I said. Walking should surely help me to lose all the calories of the food I ate at the cafe. But the problem is the heel, which belongs to my sister. I am sure that blisters are forming on my toes.

And finally, it happened. The left heel broke and I fell on the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cirrus asked getting to my level.

"No. I think I sprained my ankle," I said and touch my ankle to prove my point. He looked around and suddenly he lifted me in bridal style. I was shocked. Never in my life, a male had carried me in bridal style and I blushed when I realised this.

"How do you know about this place?" I asked when I saw the mansion. Do employees know where their employers live?

"I work for Ryan," he said as a matter of fact. But my sixth sense that this work is not working in the cafe run by Ryan.

He took me in the mansion. He was walking towards the couch when we saw Ryan standing at the top of the stairs wearing a suit, glaring at us. Or more precisely at Cirrus. If his eyes could emit lasers then Cirrus's hands would be burnt into ashes by now. Ryan started descending the stairs.

"Hi, Ryan," Cirrus greeted him. He didn't say anything just snatched me from Cirrus arms. Just in thirty minutes, I have been in the arms of two men.

"Uh. She sprained her ankle so I brought her," Cirrus said.

"Now you can go," Ryan said or you can say ordered. He didn't even say a 'Thank You' and turned around with me. He started climbing the stairs. I looked over his shoulder and saw Cirrus looking at me with worry. I smiled at him and in return, he gave me a goofy grin.

"You should have shown some manners," I scolded him when we were upstairs. He stopped walking and looked at me. And I looked at the door of my room.

"Why should I?" He asked and resumed the walking. I looked at him. Is he dumb or he is acting?

Suddenly, the index finger of my right hand, which was behind his neck felt something wet. I moved my fingers and saw blood. By now, we have reached my room. He put me on my bed.

He stormed into the walk-in closet and came with a first aid box. He seemed to be angry. What did I do now? I thought. I rummaged my brain for anything which I did wrong. But I came with nothing. Maybe one of his business suffered a loss.

He applied an ointment on my ankle and wrapped a bandage around it.

"If it pains then take this medicine," he said and put the medicine on my bedside table. He walked into the closer with the first aid box and came out without it. Without looking at me, he went towards the door.

"I will send someone to help you to change your clothes," he said, his back facing me. He closed the door and I sighed.

Ryan P.O.V.

"That was easy," I said while wiping the blood from my lips and looking at the dead man in front of me. I went to the washroom of the cell and washed my hands. I took off my T-shirt which was covered in blood. I dumped it in the laundry bag situated near the door. I wire my office suit.

"George please make a knot," I said to him and handed him my tie. George is in his forties. He is the guard of the cell.

"Child, you should have learnt to tie a knot by n," he said while tying a knot. "Done," he said when he finished and handed me the tie.

I took the lift and pressed the button to my office. I exited the lift and then exited the office. I was going towards my room when my eyes landed on Cirrus, the technician of my gang, who was carrying my Ayantika. At that moment, I wanted to go and kill him for touching what is mine. With great control over my anger, I went down and literally snatched Ayantika from him.

Later, I tended to her sprained ankle in her room. I was also angry at her for letting someone else touch her.

Thank God, Cirrus had left the mansion by the time I exited Ayantika's room or else he would have lost his hands.

I went to my room after telling Lydia to help Ayantika and lose my tie. Why am I so angry? I asked myself. I opened the button of my coat and turned towards the door. There I came face to face with...


He came face to face with whom???

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