Chapter 17

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I was reading 'The Indian Girl' when I felt someone's hand on my eyes blocking my view. I touched the hand and recognized the person because of the ring.

"Di," I exclaimed.

"Ta-da," she said removing her hand from my eyes and coming in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked standing up and hugged her.

"Ryan brought you here?" I asked not believing her. Ryan was with me, the whole night and he left in the morning.

"I mean he ordered his men to bring me here. Even he requested me to come when I denied."

"Did mom came?" I asked hopefully.


We talked for an hour.

"Ok. Listen I'll talk to you later. I have to go and explore Canada before I go back," she said happily.

"When will you leave for India?"

"Today. At 9:30 p.m.," she replied without turning back. I'm feeling so happy now. I should say a thank you to Ryan. He always cares for me, always see that I'm okay or not. And now bringing my sister here is the best thing he had ever done. I went towards his office but on the way, I bumped with a girl. She is beautiful with red/ orange hair.

"Oh, Look who is here? A pawn," she said to me. I take my words back,  she is not beautiful.

"What do you mean by a pawn?"

"Oh, you don't know that why you are here? If you think Ryan loves you and brought you here then let me tell you, Ryan loves Nobody. He jas brought you from India because Leo has a connection with you."

What the hell is she saying!!!

"But I don't know anybody called Leo."

"But Leo know you. Even he loves you. And Leo would try anything to free you and Ryan is waiting for the chance. Even he was near to free you but Ryan caught you," she said. I remembered the party incident where I was being kidnapped and Ryan has addressed my kidnapper as Leo.

"Anyway, I am getting late for shopping. Bye," she said and went away after blowing me a kiss. I think she is not saying the truth. I should ask Ryan.

I increased my pace to reach Ryan's office. I don't know why but I think the girl was saying the truth. No. No way. Ryan can never use me. I had seen the care in his eyes for me. I reached his office. The door was opened. I was about to enter when I heard his voice and stopped.

"I know I'm using her,' he said. I shielded myself using the wall. I peeked in and saw Jack and Jacky sitting before the deal. Ryan was sitting on his leather chair. I peeked in more and saw Sneha and Mahi sitting on the coaches. I wanted to run in and hug them but I couldn't do that as I wanted to hear what he was talking about.

" Ryan it's not right. And you are falling in love with her," Jack said. Ryan hit his fists on his desk making all the things on it shake.

"Shut up," he roared

"You don't love her?" Jack asked.

"No I don't," Ryan said turning back.

"Then why do you care about her? What do you think we don't know that you helped Ayantika's mom financially? You became mad seeing Ayantika hurt. Isn't this love?" Jack said. I could see Ryan shaking.

"Ryan admit it," Jacky pushed him more.

"Yes, I love her. I love Ayantika," Ryan said facing Jack and Jacky. I moved away from the door. It would be wrong if I say that I'm shocked. I'm more than shocked. He loves me. RYAN LOVES ME.

"Then go and say her why you brought her here?"

"I can't tell her that I brought her here as a pawn. I can't tell her that I brought her here to catch Leo. I can't tell her..."

I didn't hear anything after that as I ran away from there. I ran to my room and flopped on the bed. The teats started flowing. I felt betrayed. I can't even think that he used me, directly or indirectly.

All the care he had shown was fake. All the thing he did for me was fake and I can't believe I fell in love with him. Life is cruel.

"Ayantika what happened? Why are you crying?" Di asked coming into my view? I quickly hugged her.

"I was missing mom," I said the half-truth.

"Oh, wait. I'm coming," saying she went out of the room and returned with three tiffin boxes. She handed those to me.

I opened the boxes and it has mom's handmade food. One box has cookies, another one ladoos and the last one has aloo parantha. Finally, a good thing in my hard life. I ran to the kitchen after warning my sister not to touch any of my lovers. I took the sauce out of the fridge and tried to reach the cupboard which has plates. Who has kept the plates so high? As if the plates are made of diamonds.

After several attempts, a hand came from behind me and took out a plate. And I think you all know whose hand it was.

I took the plate and was about to go from the place when he said. "No 'thank you. I thought Indians as full of manners."

"They are full of manners." I turned to face him.

"If they weren't they wouldn't consider guests as gods and we, Indians don't use our guests," I said and went away.

Later, I and sis are all the foods mom sent. Food has a special place in my heart.

I hugged my sister and said goodbye to her. She sat in the car and waved at me. I was not allowed to leave this house so I couldn't accompany her to the airport.

I was climbing the stairs when Ryan came in front of me.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked in a demanding voice.

"I'm not ignoring you," I said and sidestepped him.

"Oh really. You haven't talked to me since morning and you ignored me in the kitchen as if my presence is irritating you. So, please enlighten me on what I did to deserve your ignorance," he said while following me to my room.

"You did nothing except for using me," I yelled. He paled.

"What do you think that I'll never find why you brought me here? Just to catch Leo, you used me. I thought you are a good person behind the facade of a Mafia, but I was so wrong. All the concern you had shown was fake just as fake you are," I said while jabbing his chest with my index finger. He holds my finger.

"You can question me buy not my concern for you. Those were very much real," he said angrily, coming dangerously close to me.

"Why?" I know I'm playing with fire.

"Because I..." He paused.

"Because you?"

He pinned me to the nearest wall. "Because I love you."


He confessed. Let's see what Ayantika do.

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