Chapter 9

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I barged in Ryan's room without knocking and what I saw was more shocking than what I was in my room.


Not fully. He was only in his boxers. For a second I got mesmerized by his right pack. Yes, EIGHT PACKS. After I came to my senses, I turned around but the image didn't leave my mind. His muscles, his abs, his... God, what am I thinking?

"Can't you wear something," I said.

"Can't you knock," he said copying my tone. 'Idiot' I said in my head. I heard some shuffling.

"Yea tell," he said. I turned around, slowly. This time he was wearing pants and a T-shirt.

"Why there are so many books in my room?" I asked stepping more into his room.

"I saw you looking at those books," he said casually.

"And you brought it," I said. He nodded.

"I looked at a hundred of books and it means you brought hundred of books?" I asked.

"Ayantika, I brought the books which are written by your favourite authors," he said.

"You're unbelievable," I said and exited his room.

I went to my room and slammed the door. I don't know why I was angry. I went towards the stack of books and counted it. There were 54 books in total.

Later, that day, I didn't come out of my room. A maid came to call me for dinner but I didn't respond. Even Jack and Jacky came to call me but I told them to go away.

I was angry because he brought all those books without asking me. This is the only reason I found to be angry at him.

At 1:30 a.m. I removed the covers from myself. I eng out of the room because I'm hungry and the water in my room didn't help me to substitute my hunger. The mansion was dimly lit. I went down and found the kitchen. I didn't make a single sound afraid that anyone would hear me. I checked all the bowls kept on the counter in the hope of finding something edible but all were empty.

My last hope is the refrigerator. I opened the bottom door and saw only fruits and vegetables. No leftovers. How much did they are? I closed the door.

I looked at the deep fridge. I wrapped my fingers around the handle. Before I could open it, the light was turned on. I smacked my forehead with my other hand. I unwrapped my fingers from the handle and turned around and saw Ryan. He raked his eyes over my body and then I realised what I was wearing.

A thin strap top which had lacework on top and a pink short. I was feeling hot so I wore it as my nightwear.

 I was feeling hot so I wore it as my nightwear

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(Remove the lacework from the shorts)

He took one step forward and I took one back in reflex. As I was close to the refrigerator, my back hit the refrigerator. Just as he took another step, I ran towards one side of the counter. The counter distanced us.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing just exploring the kitchen," I said. This is the only excuse I could find.

"In the middle of the night?" he inquired.

"I came here because I'm hungry," I said the truth feeling defeated. No person in his sane mind would explore the kitchen in the middle of the night.

He smirked. "You could have said the truth," he said and went to the refrigerator. He took out a loaf of bread, tomato, cheese, mayonnaise, lettuce and cucumber.

"Will you help me?" He asked trying to fit all the ingredients in his hand. I quickly want to him, maintaining a safe distance, I took the cheese, mayonnaise and the bread from him. We put it on the counter. He grabbed a knife and cut the bread into four pieces.

"Cut the cucumber," he commanded while he was chopping the tomato. I took a knife and got to work.

"Spread the mayonnaise in these two pieces," he said and forwarded me two prices of bread and the mayonnaise. I spread the mayonnaise on the two pieces while he spread something on the other pieces.

He put the piece of bread which has mayonnaise on it, beside each other. Then he put the lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cheese on it. Then he put the other pieces on the top and secured it with a toothpick. He gave me one.

"Eat it then give me feedback," he said and took one bite of his sandwich. I took one bite and I felt the taste of butter chicken. I moan in pleasure.

"Don't moan," he said sternly without looking at me. It seemed like a warning.

"What is this?" I pointed to the jar from which he spread the yellow cream.

"It's butter chicken cream," he said.

"It's very tasty," I said.

After having our midnight snack, we went to our room.

"I think I told you to sleep in my room at night," he said when I was about to unlock the door to my room.

"What if I don't want to sleep in your room?" I asked.

"Then," he paused and came close to me. My back was pressed to the door and my hand was at the handle. Jo's eyes went lower to my chest area and involuntarily I covered my chest with my arms.

"I should sleep in your room," he whispered in my ears and in a blink of an eye he carried me in my room.

He laid me on my bed and climbed the bed by going over me. Before I could stand up he put his hand on my waist, trapping me.

After a lot of effort, I put a pillow between us and closed my eyes. Soon sleep consumed me. In my sleep, I could feel something on my forehead, for a split second.

Next morning I woke up and saw that I'm cuddling Ryan. I was on top of him - almost.

One of my legs was between his legs and another one on his torso. God, how can I sleep like this?

I looked at his face and it's so... I can't find the right word to describe his face. Angelic. Peaceful. Calm. B...

"I know I'm so handsome that you can't take your eyes off me but it's creepy to stare at someone when they are sleeping," he said all of a sudden with closed eyes.

"Who said I'm staring at you?" I said with confidence.

"Then what are you staring at? Please enlighten me," he said with open eyes.

"Mosquito?" It came out as a question.

"Where is it?" He asked looking around searching for a mosquito which is in my thoughts. I freed him from myself and stood up.

"Gone out," I said.

"You should have stopped him. He is my long lost friend," he said and sat up.

"My apologies," I said and turned around to go in the bathroom to change for my work.


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