Chapter 34

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Today is our first marriage anniversary. Just a year before we had tied the knot. I can't believe it's one year of our marriage. In this one year, we sure had fights but like he promised the fights didn't affect us. He isn't a mafia leader anymore, the position is taken up by Jacky. Now, he is just a businessman.

I was making kheer, as he loves it very much and also because it is one of the foods I can make, properly, when I heard the doorbell. I know it's Ryan. I told the maids to make the dinner, and I went to open the door for him. I'm quite nervous because I don't know if he will like the gift or not.

I opened the door and he handed me a bouquet of white roses. I love it when he brings flowers for me. He kissed my forehead and went in. He sat on the sofa after rolling his sleeves. I went into the kitchen and bowled some kheer for him. I took it to him with some water. He patted the seat beside him after I had handed him the bowl. I sat and adjusted a pillow I'm my lap.

I handed him the small gift box. He opened it and kept looking at it.

"Is it real?" He asked taking it in his hand. I nodded. He kept staring at it and out of nowhere he launched towards me, for a hug. But I in reflex put the pillow between us and in place of me, he hugged the pillow.

"Thank you for this gift," he said kissing the pillow.

"It's me who gave you this," I said pointing to myself. He opened his eyes and looked at me with furrowed brows. When he saw the pillow, which he thought me, he threw it behind him and hugged me.

"Are you really pregnant?" He asked. I nodded with a smile on my lips.

"Hey berry," he said touching my stomach.

"Aayu let's go," he said standing up. He took his car keys, which he had placed on the coffee table.

"Where?" I asked confused but still stood up.

"To buy clothes for my berry and you," he said excitement evident in his tone

"Ryan I'm only two weeks pregnant. There's much time left for it," I said taking the pregnancy kit which he had earlier thrown at the floor in his excitement.

"From now on you will not climb the stairs. I'll shift our rooms downstairs. I have to stock the fridge with every flavour of ice cream. I've heard that pregnant ladies crave pickles. I'll tell your mom to make pickles. You are not allowed to leave your bed for more than five minutes. We have to buy maternity clothes..."

"I have to buy maternity clothes. I'm pregnant not you."

"Oh hush!" He said " we have to decorate a room. Is it a girl or a boy? No don't tell," he stopped me from talking and continued. "You have to be careful. You have to eat healthy for my berry. Don't carry heavy loads. I think we should see the doctor every day," I looked at him like he lost his brains. Actually, I think he did lose his brain.

I'm sure this news gave him a shock. A huge shock that has affected his brain.

"Wait. I'll have the doctor live with us. I'll tell Jacky to threaten her if she doesn't agree."

It's going out of hand.

"Ryan. Ryan," I stopped his blabbering. He looked concerned. "Did my berry kick?" He asked placing his hand on my stomach.

I mentally slapped him.

"Ryan, first of all, there is not even a baby bump then how can the baby kick. And second, I'm TWO WEEKS PREGNANT. You are behaving like I can give birth at any time now." I took in a huge breath.

"Oh, my bad."

He laid his head in my lap and we talked about the football team he had planned and our future.


Next will be the epilogue. Yaayyy!!!!

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