Chapter 32

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I want her fingers to move as it happens in movies but it didn't move.

Instead, I heard some laughing. I look up and saw Ayantika laughing like a baby. The door opened and came in Mahi, Sneha, Jack and Jacky. All laughing.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked no one in particular. Sneha came to me and pinched me.

"See you are not dreaming. This is real," she said.

"But?" I was at a loss for words.

"Ok. I planned it," Ayantika said and sat up. "And Sneha, Mahi and the doctor and nurse helped me."

"Jack and Jacky knew about this?" I asked.

"No. We told them about the plan while you were in," Sneha said. If they were a part of this prank then I would have killed them.

"I think we should give them some privacy," Jacky said after I signalled him to leave so that I can have some time with her.

After everyone left, I asked her the question which made her smile turned into... Surprise? Shocked?

Ayantika's P.O.V.

My smile vanished after hearing his question. I was having mixed feelings.

I was happy that he asked this question. Surprised, because he asked the question. Sad, because I'm in a hospital gown and confused about what I'll answer to his question: WILL YOU MARRY ME, AYANTIKA?

"Say something even if it's a no," he said. He looked like he will be having a panic attack if I didn't say anything.

"I will say yes if you propose me properly," I said. A girl gets proposed once so it should be a beautiful proposal.

"Ok." He stood up and searched for something in his pockets. He pretended like he is holding something in his empty hands. He sat on the chair and opened whatever invisible thing he is holding.

"Give me your hand," he said.

Did my prank make him mad?

I forwarded my hand in his.

"I will not say that we will not fight ever. We will fight like couples do but I will make sure that the fights don't affect US. I will love you till I exist. You will be my number one priority. I will try my best to hold this smile on your face. So will you marry me?" He asked.

"I will buy the ring today," he added. I nodded my head as I was too emotionally utter a word.

"Today, I am making you wear an invisible ring but I promise you soon there will be an actual ring," saying this he put the invisible ring in my ring finger. Soon I found myself in his arms.

"I want an Indian wedding," he said.

"No, we will have a Christian wedding," I said hugging him.

"Let's have our wedding in both styles," he declared.

"Did I hear wedding?" Sneha peeked in. I thought Mahi will be the one as she has the habit of eavesdropping.

"Yes," I and Ryan said at the same time.

"Okay, so I have to invite so many friends from India and have to select a venue and..."

"We are having our wedding in India and here."

"Excuse me?" She asked baffled.

"We will have our wedding in Indian as well as Christian style," I said. She looked horrified.

"I have to arrange SO many things." She went out screaming that there will be a wedding in two styles.

"Be ready to be Mrs Parker, to-be Mrs Parker," Ryan said.

"Ok, Mr Parker."


So probably two or three chapters left after that there will be an epilogue and then the end of this book. I can't wait for the epilogue( I have been thinking about the epilogue since the beginning of this book).

There is a double update today. So after this there is a Chapter 33.

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