Chapter 22

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I rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. The excitement I had felt when we landed is nothing compared to the excitement I'm feeling now.

I looked at Ryan, who was behind me when nobody opened the door. Ryan came forward and knocked. It didn't seem like 'knocking' it seemed more like banging. I feel pity for the poor door. Ryan was banging when all of a sudden, the door opened roughly and Ryan's hand made contact with a yawning Sanchita's face. Sanchita glared at him while rubbing her nose. The hit made her sleep go away.

She was so busy glaring at Ryan that she didn't notice me. I made myself noticeable by calling her name. When she looked at me, she hugged me with such a force that I would have fallen with her had it not been for Ryan's hand which stable us.

"Oh my God my favourite sister is here," she said dramatically, may I add.

"I'm your only sister," I said emphasising the word only.

"Whatever. Come inside and you-," she said pointing towards Ryan," -my eyes are on you," she said while pointing her index and middle finger towards her eye then at Ryan.

We got in and mom came out of her room. As soon as she saw me she came and hugged me. The feeling you have when your mom hugs you is pure bliss. When we parted I saw her eyes moistening.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy seeing me?" I asked while rubbing the tears which had slipped from her eyes.

"I'm more than happy," she kissed my forehead. But her expression changed when she saw Ryan.

"Hi ma'am," Ryan greeted her. My mom was reluctant but still greeted him with a nod. Then all of a sudden Ryan bend and touched her feet. Mom smiled and gave him her blessing by touching his head.


We were talking when Di took up the topic of sleeping arrangement.

"Ryan will use the spare room," I said when mom asks where will Ryan sleep.

"The room is full of old and useless furniture and books. And I think spiders have built their homes there," Di said.

"Then what to do?" I asked looking at mom.

"I'll share a room with mom while you two use our room," So said and mom agreed.

"It's sorted then. Sanchita take their bags to their room," mom instructed mom. And she did what she was told and nobody asked me about my opinion.

We talked some more and I got to know that mom had been fired from her old job and it took her two months to find a new job. During that time when she was founding jobs, Ryan has given her money.

The respect I have for this guy increased.

Although it was never there.


Around 9 p.m. we had our dinner. Ryan talked in Hindi although it had an English accent to it.

His mother was Indian and his father was half-Indian and half-Canadian. His mother used to teach him various cultures about India. He has also learned how to play guitar and piano at one point in his life. And I also got to know that mom and so knew that Ryan is in the mafia. I got to know more things about Ryan which I didn't know.

Now, the main thing to worry about is who will sleep on the floor. I don't want to sleep on the floor in my own house and I can't ask him as he is the guest. So it leads to only one solution that is we have to share the bed. Although this won't be the first time we would be sharing a bed but his beds are much bigger than mine. I and Sanch can sleep here easily without fighting for space as both of our physiques is small but Ryan's is huge.

We both were standing facing each other with the bed in between. We were waiting for the others to say that they will sleep on the floor. Well, only I was waiting, he seemed rather happy. If he says that he will sleep on the floor then I'll happily spread the mattress for him. I want to jump on the bed and sleep but I refrained from doing so.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I laid on the bed. Soon I felt the other side dip and Ryan's back pressed on my back. I scooted away a little maintaining a small distance between us.

I tried to stay awake and see if he tries anything but soon I fell asleep.

I wake up around midnight as I was feeling hungry. I want ice cream. I tiptoe downstairs. I occasionally stopped when the stair creaked beneath my toe. I finally made it to the kitchen. I open the fridge and saw a tub of chocolate ice cream. I blessed heaven. I opened it and saw only one or two spoonfuls of ice cream left.

I hate my sister.

I want a new sister.

I put it back in its place and turned around. I came face to chest with Ryan. He looked down at me like he was analysing me.

"Why are you sneaking in your own house?" He asked with amusement.

"I'm not sneaking," I said with confidence.

"Yes you were not sneaking you were tiptoeing," he exclaims sarcastically.

Shall I ask him to take me out?

No, remember what he did to you.


Finally, my desire for ice cream won over my anger and I asked him to take me out for ice cream. He did listen to me but after quarrelling with me for 30 minutes, in a hushed tone.

Ice Cream here I come.


"Can I expect an honest answer from you if I ask something?" He asked while licking his kulfi. At first, he was biting it and then I showed him the correct way of eating kulfi.

I was in a good mood so I nodded.

"Did you wanted to have ice cream or you wanted to spend quality time with me?" He asked. I put the cone I'm my mouth and chewed it while glaring at him.

"Ok ok sorry," he apologised and I concentrate on the task of enjoying my ice cream.

"Can I have a taste of that?" He asked pointing to my right hand.

"Which one?" I asked.

Okay, I'm having three ice cream in each hand.

Don't judge.

"The orange one," he said. I forwarded it and he took a HUGE BITE.


I glared at him while he continued having his ice cream, ignoring my glare.

"Wait," he said and went to the shop and came back with the ice cream which he ate from me.

If he keeps doing this small thing, then the love that was hidden, which I have for him may bloom, again.


I'm so so so sorry for the late update. I won't say that I was caught up in schoolwork or any of those excuses.

I was lazy to imagine anything and then pen down.

Anyway, thanks for patiently waiting for an update.

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