Mahi and Jack

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I looked at the bag wondering what's in it. I can only open it when I have forgiven Jack for the deed he did.


I know you must be thinking why do I watch frozen at this age. Let's just fave the truth, we all watch cartoon even if we crossed the age of watching them. Back to the topic, he didn't let me see frozen because of some stupid football, which was two days ago. And from then I'm not talking to him, minus the taunts I throw at him now and then.

Finally, my curiosity won and I went to the bed and looked at the bag. I was about to peek into the bag when I got control of myself and shook my head, telling myself that I should not, must not look into it. I quickly ran to the couch where I was sitting for the last one hour. I have chosen this place because it's far away from the bed. I distracted myself by messaging my sister who was five-room away from me.

"Come to my room," I texted.

"No, I'm busy."

"At what? May I know."

"Reading books."

"Come na, I'm getting ultra pro max bored."

She didn't reply.

I'm telling you, she is not my twin sister.

But she has my face.

Seven people in this world look alike. Maybe she is one of them.

I looked at the bag and it seemed that it was calling me.

I think I have to forgive him now.

I opened the bag and took the package out of it. I opened the package and saw a beautiful top and pants and also a card.

It reads:

I'm so sorry for not letting you watch Ice( I hope that's the name). Please accept my sorry and meet me at the front door by 7:30 p.m.

Thank God, he didn't bring a dress. It's not that I hate dress but it seems more clique?

By 7 p.m. I am ready. I went to the kitchen and saw my sister reading a book with a chocolate shake in front of her. I swear if she can get married to a book, then she would have done it and would have given birth to 100 e-paper books by now.

I opened the cabinet and took out the jar of marshmallows and sat beside her. When I saw her getting list in the book, I dipped a marshmallow in her shake and put it in my mouth. I don't know how but she saw it and removed the glass from my reach.

Another reason that she is not my twin sister.

"Sneha can I ask you something?" I asked.

"If I say yes them you will ask and if I say no then also you will ask, so ask," she said and closed her book.

"Are you my twin sister?" I blurted out the question.

"As far as I know you and I share the same parents, so yes I'm your one and only twin sister," she said and took a sip of her drink.

"I sometime doubt it," I said under my breath. She continued reading the book and I continued enjoying the marshmallows until I saw Jack ascending the stairs. I came out of the kitchen and stand at the end of the stairs. Soon Jack descended the stairs wearing a shirt and jeans.

"Shall we?" He asked and forwarded his hand.

"I'm still angry at you," Saying this I put my hand in his.

I thought we would be going by car but he surprised me by getting on his bike and handing me a helmet. Without waiting for his instructions, I get on it and put my hands on his shoulder and off we went to...

He parked the bike and we entered the fair.

Yes, we came to a fair. I'm so going to enjoy today.


We enjoyed the next three hours by riding different rides and playing different games. He won a panda for me by winning a balloon game. He had shot three balloons with the gun which doesn't have real bullets.

"I'm so hungry. I didn't eat anything apart from marshmallows," I said.

"You did."

"Ice Cream doesn't count," I said in my defence.

"You mean five ice cream, two pastry, three cups of coffee and one candy floss?" he asked.

"Oh God, if it was in your control you would have said everything I ate since childhood till now," I said.

We went to a diner and occupied a booth. We ordered our food. As soon as the food was placed before me, I started digging in.

"Mahi, I'll buy you all the things related to Ice..."

"Frozen," I corrected with my mouth half-filled with food.

"Oh yes, I'll buy everything related to frozen but please don't be angry at me," he said with such a cute expression that I want to hug him and pinch his cheeks. I nodded.

"Good. Can I say a weird thing?" He asked.

"Go on."

"I like you," he said. I put the straw in my mouth and took a sip with a smile on my lips.

"Can I say something weirder than this?"

He nodded.

"I like you."


This is about Mahi and Jack. I was not getting any ideas about Ryan and Ayantika so I wrote about Jack and Mahi.

Hope you like this chapter.

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