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I woke up the next day cuddled into mommy and Odell had his arm over us. "Mommy wake up" I whispered then I started kissing all over her face because I knew she didn't have any make up on. Mommy opened her eyes and started giggling "morning snug how did you sleep?" Mommy asked. "Good I love when we cuddle" i replied. After a little cuddle me and mommy decided to go downstairs and make breakfast for when everyone wakes up.

While we were making breakfast mommy asked me "baby girl don't worry about your answer it won't upset anyone but I need to ask who do you want to live with?". I already thought about this last night I want to live with mommy I like Nanna but she has never felt like my mom I have always felt Demi was more motherly and now I know why. So I said to mommy "I want to live with you mommy i have always loved being here with you more anyway but don't tell nanna that she will get upset I know what she is like" "really I'm so happy and excited and don't worry about nanna snug I'll sort her and I'll tell her about you wanting to live with me" "okay" I replied. "You can go see the dogs and watch something on the TV if you want I'll finish breakfast" mommy said I smiled and hugged her before going to the living room to put the TV on and play with Batman and Ella.

Demi's POV

I'm so glad Y/N wants to come live with me I had an idea she would based off of conversations we have had in the past before she knew I was her mom. Y/N used to always want to stay with me and she used to ask could she live with me when she was older but now I just have to tell mom and I know she is going to be furious at me and also upset that Y/N has reacted so well to me being her mom and wanting to live with me.

I was finishing breakfast when I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and kisses being placed all over my shoulders and back of my neck. I turned slightly to see Odell "morning mamas" I smiled and pulled him down for a quick kiss "morning baby" I said before I turned back to check the breakfast to see it was done. I started putting breakfasts out on the island so everyone could come in and make their own plate with what they wanted. I made pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, waffles and Odell was currently chopping some fruit to put on the island and then he was going to make hot drinks while i set out the cold drinks and sauces and spreads.

After we set up breakfast I decided to talk to Odell about what Y/N said about wanting to live with me before we shouted everyone. "I'm so happy for you mamas" Odell said while pulling me into him. I leaned in to kiss him and that lead to a mini make out session that was rudely interrupted by Dallas. "Hey stop making out so we can get breakfast" Dallas teases I rolled my eyes at her and Odell just chuckled. "Mommy did you tell everyone I helped make breakfast?" Y/N asked as she came into the kitchen followed by Maddie. "No baby girl I was waiting for you so we could tell them together" I said, Y/N nodded and started telling Odell, Dallas and Maddie how she made breakfast. I was about to start filling a plate for Y/N and myself when Odell interrupted me and said "babe why don't you sit down you and Y/N cooked it all so I will make my 2 favourite girls a plate" I smiled and nodded and took a seat next to Y/N. Odell brought our plates over and we said thank you. "I love when Odell makes my breakfast because he always gives me extra, Look!" Y/N said while giving Odell a high five.

After breakfast Odell and Y/N went to finish building the Lego Disney castle and Maddie and Dallas said they would clean up because I cooked so I decided to sit and talk to them while they did the dishes. After they had finished the dishes they sat down with their coffees and I said to them "I asked Y/N this morning who she wanted to live with and she said me so I was thinking rather than you guys go and get Y/Ns stuff with max it might be best if Odell and Maddie stay here with Y/N and me and Dallas go with max and my other bodyguard to moms so I can double check I have everything for Y/N before I tell mom tomorrow". Dallas and Maddie agreed with me and they went upstairs to get ready and I headed to the living room to see my babies.

It's 1 o'clock now and maddie is babysitting Y/N while Odell is training and while me and Dallas are at moms house filling up boxes with Y/Ns stuff and max is filling the car with the boxes we have already packed. "Are you nervous?" Dallas asked "about??" I replied, "telling mom..... when are you going to tell her tomorrow or are you going to wait till Monday when they come home?".  "I will call her tomorrow night and explain everything and then that way if they want to come home early they will only be missing the last night...... I didn't want it to be this way I wanted this to be something we dealt with as a family but she left me no choice" I replied and Dallas nodded with a sad smile on face.

It's 6 o'clock now and I am getting a bath ready for Y/N while she is downstairs with Odell playing a game. Maddie and Dallas decided to stay at home tonight and they would come back when I have the conversation with mom about me telling Y/N the truth. I gave Y/N a bath and then we had a little pamper night and then the 3 of us cuddled on the sofa ready to watch a movie. Not even halfway through the movie Y/N fell asleep cuddled into my chest so when the movie was over I carried her to her room and put her to bed. I made sure her night light was turned on before I left her room closing the door behind me. I made my way downstairs to find Odell watching sports I made my way over to him and cuddled into his side "you nervous for your talk with your mom tomorrow?" Odell asked "no and yes I mean she left me no choice I had to go behind her back but I'm just nervous because she is going to flip on Maddie and Dallas for letting it happen" I replied with a sigh. "Why don't we go and cuddle in bed and watch a movie and get an early night, and then tomorrow we can wake up and the three of us can have a nice breakfast and a nice day together before you have to call your mom" Odell said. I agree with Odell and then we head upstairs, I quickly go and check on Y/N while Odell checks everywhere is locked and then we both head to bed and cuddle while watching a movie.

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates but I have been super busy but now I will have a lot more time to update because I have graduated university and I have some time off before I start work. I am going to be updating all of my books more frequently. Also, do you guys want me to leave this as a short story and end it in a few chapters or shall I make it a longer story? I haven't check this for mistakes so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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