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Demi's POV

It's been 3 weeks since the family meeting and after the meeting I thought about everything I decided it was best to let everything blow over before I told Y/N the truth. I continued seeing Y/N behind my moms back with help from Maddie and Dallas which has been great I love and cherish the little time we have been getting to spend together. I told Dallas and Maddie when they came yesterday without Y/N that I wanted to tell Y/N this week about me being her mom and they agreed that is best because mom still won't budge.

That is why today when Y/N comes I am going to spend some time with her I'm going to help her build the Disney Lego sets we bought last week when she was with me. I am going to order us some pizza and then after that I am going to sit down and tell her. Maddie and Dallas agreed with me that it is best they let me and Y/N spend time alone without them this time as usually it's all of us because Maddie and Dallas have to wait so they can take Y/N home. Sometimes they will take the dogs out of go watch a movie in the movie room but other than that we spend time as sisters and I want to spend some time just me and Y/N like we used to before me and mom started arguing.

From: Dallas 🤪💚
To: Dems 💜

Hey dem we are on our way Y/N is so excited to see you because she has something to show you xx

From: Dems 💜
To: Dallas 🤪💚

Hi tell her I can't wait I'm so excited to see her and tell her I have some surprises for her too xx

I heard and knock on the door so I opened to see Maddie I gave her a hug and she said Y/N was with Dallas getting her stuff from the boot. Once Y/N spotted me she ditched Dallas and ran and jumped in to my arms. I spun us around and then I headed towards the living room with Y/N still in my arms. I sat down on the chair with Y/N in my lap and she was telling me about what she has been doing since I last saw her. After having a little sister catch up Maddie and Dallas said they were going to go upstairs while me and Y/N stayed together downstairs. I didn't want Maddie and Dallas to leave the house in case Y/N doesn't react well and she wants to leave.

After Maddie and Dallas went upstairs me and Y/N stayed in the living room and cuddled while watching Frozen because it's one of Y/Ns favourite films. As we were watching the movie Y/N turned to me and asked "Demi can I show you something". I said yes and then she jumped off my lap and ran over to her bag that Dallas had brought in for her and left it by the door. Once Y/N had got what she wanted she ran back to me and climbed back on my lap. Y/N was smiling at me and then she kissed my cheek and said "I love you Demdem" "I love you too snug" i replied. Y/N had brought over paper and when she turned them over it was a bunch of drawings. Y/N held up one picture and said "this is me and you Demi I love drawing pictures of us" "wow this is amazing snug I love it" I replied she smiled big at me and said "you get to keep it Demdem its for you because I love you and I wanted to give you a present but i don't have money". What Y/N said confused me because I give my mom money weekly for Y/N and the money I give is so my mom can take Y/N shopping or my mom can pay for things Y/N needs like school trips, clothes, shoes, pyjamas, toys, furniture for her room and I give money so Y/N has a little bit of pocket money every week so she can save up to buy a toy or sometimes she likes to pick presents for our family or friends so if Y/N hasn't been getting the money who has? I pushed the thoughts about the money I give my mom for Y/N aside while Y/N carried on showing me drawing she made for me. Once Y/N showed me all her drawing we went round my house hanging them up and then we went back to the living room and ordered pizza.

We sat and ate the pizza while watching Cinderella. As we were watching Cinderella I started to get a little emotional because this was always mine and Y/Ns film. Ever since Y/N was born me and her have always watched this movie cuddled up together and being able to watch this movie with her now and cuddle her after everything that has happened recently it has made me emotional and it is giving me the strength to finally tell Y/N I just pray it goes well and Y/N doesn't hate us for not telling us sooner.

I pause the movie and turn Y/N round so she is straddling me and we can see each other. Y/N looks at me confused before saying "why did you pause Cinderella?" "Snug I need to talk to you about something really important" I reply. "Ok what is it?" "Y/N what I'm about to tell you is really important and I need you to know I love you and if your mad at me after this I fully understand" I said and Y/N just nodded. "Baby I'm.....baby I'm your mommy".

Hey guys so Demi has just told Y/N she is her mom. How do you think Y/N will react? And how will Dianna react to Demi going behind her back and telling Y/N? Also, sorry for the lack of updates I have been super busy but I will be updating more regularly from now on as I have written the rest of this book. Also, if you haven't already please check out my new Demi story 'Decisions' it's out now and updates for that will be out soon. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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