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Darcy's POV

You had been spending summer with your big sister Demi. You guys had stayed at her house, went on a mini tour and you just got back from a trip to Bora Bora with Sirah and Matthew. But sadly summer was coming to an end and your mum was on the way to pick you up which you are not pleased about. You don't want to go home even though you love your parents and your sisters there is something about the bond you and Demi have that makes you never want to leave.

"Hey baby girl you okay" Demi asked as she came and sat next to you on her bed. "Yeah I just don't want to leave you yet" you said while changing your position so you had your head resting on Demi's shoulder. "I know but I promise to come and see you next week" Demi said also feeling disappointed that you had to leave. It's weird ever since you were born you have always preferred Demi over everyone else and you always felt the safest and most loved with her. Your family all knew this and they didn't mind they always tell you how when you were a baby and you wouldn't stop crying Demi would pick you up and you would stop immediately. Even now at the age of 8 if you are upset one conversation or hug from Demi makes you forget why you were upset in the first place.

You love when you and Demi cuddle up together with Batman and Ella watching movies or your favourite programmes just like you are now waiting for your mum. Currently you are both watching shrek 2 your absolute favourite film and Demi is playing with your hair and holding you against her like a baby. Eventually you fell asleep while Demi continued to hold you and cherish her last bit of time with you before you have to leave.

Time skip to when you wake up

You felt someone playing with your hair and leaving kisses on your head from time to time automatically a sleepy smile crept up on your face as you knew that Demi was the one holding you. "Hi sleeping beauty did you have a nice nap" asked Demi you just nodded and snuggled closer to her. "Moms downstairs" demi said her voice filled with sadness I just looked up at her with a pout and replied "can't I stay with you for a little bit longer" she returned the pout and said "I wish I could keep you here forever but momma wants you back and you have school" you just sighed in response. After a quick cuddle you and Demi made your way downstairs to your surprise you were greeted by your parents and your sisters. "Hey Darcy" said Dallas you waved and maddie said "come on Darce don't be shy" you just gave her a shy smile and turned back to Demi who looked sad so you walked up to her and put your arms around her waist and her arms draped  around your body and she held you close and rocked you both while she started a conversation with the family. Demi moved you both so now you were sat on Demi's lap in a chair just listening to everyone around catching up on what they had missed. After about 2 hours you heard your mom say "come on sweetie it's time to go" you just sighed and nodded. "Can you give Darcy and I a minute just to say goodbye" Demi said to everyone they all nodded and made their way outside to the car. "I love you baby and I promise I will come see you next week and we can do whatever you want and I will try and arrange some time with mom for you to come back and stay with me" you snuggled into Demi's chest and then you sat up and put your arms around Demi "I love you more I'm going to miss you so much I don't want to leave" you cried. "I know baby but we will see each other so soon I promise, I'm going to miss you so much" Demi let a couple of tears fall and then your heard your mom saying "go on sweetie go get your stuff and we will meet you at the car" you just nodded and went upstairs to get your things.

Demi's POV

Once I knew Darcy was upstairs I turned around to mom and said " I want her back momma I need my little girl with me all the time". Mom sighed and rolled her eyes and said "Demi remember why you did this". I rolled my eyes in response "I know but giving Darcy even to you to raise killed me and I'm basically like her mother I have here on holidays and summer and I come home as much as I can to spend time with her" my mom started to get emotional "look mom I understand this is hard but I gave Darcy to you to raise while I got myself sorted and I have been in recovery for years now I know I'm stable enough to do this and I want to tell Darcy that I'm her mom and I want her to understand why I did what I did and give her a choice of who she lives with" I cried my mom just sighed and responded "why now do you want to turn her world upside down she loves being with us why do you want to take her away" I was in shock why was my mom being like this I thought she would be happy I wanted to raise Darcy on my own. "You wanna know why I want her back because each time we leave each other it gets harder and Darcy hates it as much I do and I know I'm ready and I know how hard it will be for everyone but it was going to happen eventually so why are you so against it now" mom look at me blankly "I don't want you to take her Demi because I was the one who raised her I have done everything and now you want to take her well let me tell you it's not happening" she said raising her voice at the end. Just as I was about to respond Darcy appeared I really hope she didn't hear any of that  "Hey baby did you get everything" she smiled and ran over to hug me "I think so but I stole your hoodie" her voice and giggle was muffled due to her being snuggled into my body. I choked back tears as I put a hand through her hair and respond "that's good because when you miss me you can put the hoodie on and it will smell of me and it will be like I'm cuddling you" she looked up and smiled just as she was about to respond mom came over and pulled her towards her and said "let's go you will see demi soon". Darcy looked confused but gave me one last hug and kiss and ran to the car after she left I tried to talk to mom but she just put her hand up and said "not now Demi I don't want to speak to you" I sighed and watched her walk out I followed and stop by the door so I could wave bye to everyone. Once the car pulled away I let the tears flow freely and instantly Batman and Ella climbed up on the sofa to cuddle me. Not long after they left I received a text from Dallas.

Dallas 🤪

I know it's hard every time she leaves but just think soon she will be back in your arms 💜

Me 💚

Yeah it kills and getting her back might not be as easy as I thought 😭💜

Dallas 🤪

What??? Is that why mom is being snappy with everyone did she say no 💜

Me 💚

Yep she doesn't think I should turn her world upside down and she said Darcy loves being with you guys and when I tried to ask if we could meet in private when we had more time to discuss it she wouldn't listen so I don't think it's going to be easy but I won't give up because I want Darcy back with me 💜

Dallas 🤪

Well I support you sis because as much as Darcy loves us you can tell she feels safest and happiest when she is with you. When Darcy goes to bed later I will talk to mom and let you know. Love you 💜

Me 💚

Thanks love you too 💜

I just really hope Dallas can talk sense into mom because I want to tell Darcy that I'm not her sister I'm actually her mom.

Just to let Everyone know I changed the name from Y/N to Darcy.

Hey guys I had requests to turn this into a book so this will be a short story on my profile and I will continue to write the rest of this imagine in this book. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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