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Demi's POV

When Dallas sent me that photo of Y/N I cried out of happiness and sadness. Happiness because that showed me Y/N isn't that mad or upset with me she is probably just confused and sadness because I miss Y/N so much it physically hurts my heart. I set the photo as my phone background and my lock screen was a photo of me and Y/N cuddling in bed when she was a toddler. After replying to Dallas i decided to go to sleep because I had to wake up early for a meeting with scooter about my documentary.

Time skip to the meeting the next day

This meeting is basically finalising contracts and looking at what I want to include in the documentary. One thing I have decided to include in the documentary is Y/N being my daughter not my sister and the process of me getting her back from my mom. This wasn't a surprise to Scooter as he knows Y/N is my child as I told him and he knows I want to get her back and he supports me 100%. Also in my new documentary I will be talking about my previous management and how I ended up signing with scooter. This documentary is so fans can get a better and more honest look at my past and how I am doing now and what I plan for the future.

After the meeting I headed to the store to get all of Y/Ns favourite food and snacks for when she comes tomorrow. After going to the store I decided to take Batman and Ella for a quick walk around the block and then I went home and got the house ready for tomorrow.

Time skip to the next day

I'm so excited today's the day I get to finally see Y/N. Sadly I know it might not be the reunion I hope for because she thinks I have been ignoring her but once I explain what mom has done with her phone she will understand why we haven't spoken. She's coming round at around 12 so she came have lunch and then spend some time together then we will have dinner and then she will have to go home so mom doesn't know she was out the house.

I answered the door to see Maddie smiling big at me she leaned to give me a hug. Once we broke from the hug I locked eyes with Y/N the both of us had big smiles on our faces and we ran to each other. Once Y/N jumped into my arms I spun us around I kept Y/N in arms and began walking inside pressing kisses to Y/Ns head every once in a while. I sat on the sofa and Y/N immediately cuddled into my chest while I playing with her hair and was whispering to her how much I loved her and how much I missed her. We stayed cuddled up for a while and then we ordered some lunch.

After lunch we put Y/Ns favourite movie frozen on and we grabbed some of her favourite snacks. A little while into the movie Y/N fell asleep curled up in my side which honestly I had missed her falling asleep on me or against me. Once the movie finished we switch on shrek on Netflix so there was some background noise and I carefully lifted Y/N up and lay her down and put a blanket on her so she could sleep because Dallas told me she hasn't been sleeping that well and also it would give me a chance to catch up with my other sisters in the kitchen.

"She still asleep?" Maddie asked as I walked into be kitchen "Yeah she's still sleeping and I think she will be for a while I know my baby and I can tell from just looking at her that she is super tired and hasn't been sleeping that well so I want her to sleep for as long as she needs" I replied. "She was so excited when we told her she was coming to see you but she was angry at mom when we briefly explained mom was the reason she hadn't seen or spoke to you" Dallas said while handing me and Maddie our coffees. "Yeah I'm going to talk to her about the situation properly when she wakes because when she first come i just wanted to enjoy having her in my arms and talking to her about what she has been doing" I replied. We started talking about our plans for the next few weeks when I said "guys I appreciate you guys helping me see Y/N behind moms back but I want her to come live with me so I have decided I'm going to arrange a family meeting when Y/N is in school as a last attempt to get mom to give Y/N back willingly and if that doesn't work I'm going to go down the legal road to get Y/N back". Maddie and Dallas agreed with me and said they would back me up in the family meeting which made me a little less nervous.

After having a catch up we made our way back into the living room and I held a sleepy Y/N on my lap with her head against my chest. Once Y/N started to wake up Dallas and Maddie said they would walk Batman and Ella so me and Y/N could talk. "I really missed you" I mumbled into Y/Ns hair while we were cuddling but Y/N sat up in my lap so she could look at me and then she asked "why didn't you call me Dems I missed you and mom said you didn't want to talk to me". I pressed a kiss to Y/Ns forehead and said "no baby girl mom blocked my number on your phone so I was ringing and texting but it wouldn't go through to your phone and mom told me and Matt and Sirah that you were upset with me and you didn't
Want to talk to me". Y/N pouted and said "I wasn't upset I just missed you and I got a little mad that we didn't talk but I get it now" I smiled and said "I love you baby girl and I missed you so much". After talking about the situation with mom in a way for Y/N to understand without me telling her I'm her mom and because she is younger we decided to get some of Y/Ns favourite snacks and she requested we watched camp rock so that's exactly what we did.

Hey guys there are only a few chapters left of this short story i hope you guys are enjoying it. Also if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. Also, How do you think Y/N will react when she finds out Demi is her mom not her sister? Who do you think Y/N will want to live with? Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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