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Demi's POV

It was 1:30am when my phone rang so I grabbed and swiped to answer the call not even bothering to check who it was considering I was still half asleep. I soon fully woke up though when I heard sobs coming the from the other end of the phone and not just that but they sounded like Darcy's. "Hey baby girl is that you" I asked Darcy even though I already knew the answer "y-yes" Darcy stuttered "what's wrong bug" "I had a nightmare demszy I need you please come see me I'm scared" I was already getting my stuff together while she was answering me. "It's okay bug I'm coming right now do you want me to stay on the phone with you Princess or shall I get Dallas to come sit with you while you wait because I live far so I might be a while but I will be with you as soon as possible" I could still hear her cried down the phone and it killed me this is another reason why she should live with me she needs me! "I just want you dems" "okay baby your on speaker I'm in my car on the way shall I sing your favourite song" I heard cries and then Darcy responded with a "yes please".

Finally I arrived at my moms house so I used my key and once I was in i was attacked by legs wrapping around my waist and arms around my neck I held Darcy to me securely and she instantly started to calm down. I checked everywhere was locked then carried Darcy up to her room. I closed her door and laid in her bed I tried to remove Darcy's arms and legs from around me so we could cuddle but she just laid on top of me her head on my chest and honestly I didn't want her to move I had my baby in my arms and it felt perfect. "Hey bug what was your dream about" I asked but all I got in response was cute little snores I looked down and seen Darcy had fell asleep her head on my chest little snores escaping her mouth and her hands gripping my t shirt I just pulled the covers up to her shoulder kissed her forehead and fell asleep knowing my baby now felt safe.

I woke up to someone shaking me so I opened my eyes and was met with a very confused Dallas and an angry mom. "What are you doing here" my mom hissed I shushed her and whispered "I'll explain everything just go wait downstairs I don't want her to wake up yet". They left the room so I kissed Darcy's hair and then I carefully rolled her off me and tucked her up before creeping out the room and going to face my mom and Dallas. I could hear my mom fuming from the stairs so I can already tell this conversation is not going to go well. "She has no right to just turn up like this what is she playing at" my mom fumed to Dallas and Dallas replied with "mom it's her daughter she has every right to come and see her you don't even know why so let her explain before you attack her". "She's right" I said as I stepped into the kitchen. My mom turned to face me and said "what are you doing here" "well if you must know Darcy rang me crying last night she had a nightmare and wanted me to come so I did I asked her should I ring Dallas to sit with her till I got here but she just wanted me so I sang to her on the way to calm her down and then she clung to me the second I got here and she calmed and fell asleep within 5 minutes of me being here" I replied. "You can't do that Demi you should have rang me and I would of sorted her she's my daughter she needs me when she's upset" my mom replied and that sent me over the edge. "Look I appreciate what you did for me when you took Darcy on while I sorted myself out but you need to understand she is MY daughter not yours she is your granddaughter and last time I checked I still have rights over her so I do have a say" I hissed at my mom. My mom stared at me shocked "right now she didn't have a good nights sleep so she isn't going to school today so when she wakes up I will drive her back to my house for the weekend as I have the weekend free and I will bring her back up Sunday night for school Monday" I said then I started making a cup of coffee. "Your not taking her I will call the cops if you try Demi" my mom shouted at me "right that's enough mom if Demi wants to take her let her she clearly feels safe with Demi if your not sure why not let Darcy decide" Dallas said. "No not happening now get out and don't come back your not getting Darcy" my mom said while dragging me out the kitchen and towards the front door. "Mom stop I just want to see Darcy and spend some time with her please" I begged but she ignored me and started trying to push me out the door. Suddenly we heard a "get off her" and we both turned to see Darcy standing on the stairs with tears in her eyes. "Don't worry she's leaving now Darcy" my mom said but Darcy just ignored her and ran past her to me so I picked her up and held her and she put her head in my neck and mumbled "please don't leave me I want to be with you Demi" so I replied "of course you can come with me snug let's get your stuff" but before I could move my mom tried to grabbed Darcy but I held her but eventually I had to let go because my mom was hurting Darcy so I let go. "Look fine I'll go but don't you ever put your hands on Darcy like that again because I promise it will be the last thing you do" I said then went to go calm Darcy down I picked Darcy up and said "I'm going upstairs so I can say goodbye properly".

Once we got upstairs I explained to Darcy as best I could without telling her I'm her mom that mom didn't want me and Darcy spending too much time together because Darcy needs to bond with other people. She was confused and I don't think she believed my explanation but she let it go when I showed her the big unicorn teddy I brought last night. I showed Darcy that there was a secret zip in the unicorn for her to hide diaries or snacks or to put a blanket in and she was happy. Once she got settled I told her I would ring her when I got home and that I would talk to mom in a couple of days when she calmed down about seeing Darcy, she reluctantly agreed and that's when I left the house and drove home. Once I arrived home I sorted out Batman and Ella and then I got changed into sweats and set up the tv for a crime show marathon me, Matt and Sirah were going to have they were on their way over to see me. While I was waiting I tried to ring Darcy's phone but she didn't answer so I spent her a text.


Hey snug I just got home and tried to ring you but you didn't answer so I will ring you later or tomorrow but I hope you have fun today and have a fun weekend I love you baby girl and I can't wait to see you soon 💞💞💞💞


I don't want to see you or speak to you leave me alone

Me 🥰💗

What did I do bug? Is it because I left? Please tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it I love you baby girl more than you could ever imagine 💞💞💞💞

I so confused she has left me on read so I kept trying to call her but eventually I couldn't because it wouldn't even ring. So I tried sending messages but they wouldn't deliver. When Matt and Sirah arrived I asked then to text and call Darcy and their messages sent and the phone rang but eventually they couldn't get through either she had blocked us and I don't even know what I have done. I spent the rest of the night crying and trying to call my mom but she blocked me and then texted Matt to tell him to tell me they don't want to speak to me so I should stop trying but she should know I will never stop trying and I will never stop fighting for Darcy after all she is my daughter and she means more to me than anything.

Hey guys sorry for any mistakes I haven't checked for mistakes. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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